Thursday, November 15, 2007

Outer Collapse - Inner Strength Part 16

I have and will continue my soap box stand against taking a single verse and making it fit my circumstances. Psalm 131 is no different. I must read on and get the full context of what was being spoken.
LORD, my heart is not haughty, Nor my eyes lofty. Neither do I concern myself with great matters, Nor with things too profound for me.
This is a statement of humility. This does not mean that David did not struggle at times with pride and arrogance. But his heart was searching for humility and often it was God's grace that it was reality in his life. But there is more to Davids words.
Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul,
This sure sounds once again like "Be still and know." Calmed and quieted my soul. Did you get what David said? Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul. He's not asking God to do it. We often ask God to do what has been ordained for us to do. God will not force Himself on people so He can not calm us or quiet us. We will need focus, purpose, commitment. Some days I really struggle with getting my soul to calm and quiet. I'm not able to turn it off and on like a light switch. Even the things of God often keep me from being calm and quiet. Davids words here are saying, "I trust you God." I will have to put those things which seem to concern me out of sight. I will have to settle for not understanding every detail of my life. I will need to be satisfied with today.
Like a weaned child with his mother; Like a weaned child is my soul within me.
David paints a vivid picture for me to understand.
Next David issues a call for hope. Not a hope for position, or power, or money but a hope in the Lord. David is not being presumptuous to tell God what he expects. He has a hope in the Lord that whatever God is going to do will surpass anything he could concern himself with.
O Israel, hope in the LORD From this time forth and forever.
I believe that Humility is why David had the failures and the successes that he did. SELAH! (Pause and think on that.)

A very dear friend by the name of Kim Johnson, sent her newsletter last week and it was confirmation for me that God was in deed dealing with some issues in my life. I am going to share the second half of her newsletter as she does an excellent job of expressing my feelings.

Quieting and calming our soul takes discipline. Think about a baby who is being weaned from his mother. This process usually is not an easy one. This child will learn to drink for himself and then eventually eat solid food, first with assistance then on his own. No longer is mom the one who supplies every bit of nutrition for him. Mom becomes a source of love, guidance and acceptance now. This child can rest comfortably and peacefully in his mother's arms and enjoy her presence. In this place of embrace, he gains acceptance, love and security. In return, the mother takes great joy in pouring out love to her young one and teaching him from this place of contentment.

The Lord longs for us to come to Him with a quieted soul. He wants to fellowship with us and not just be our provider. He longs for us to enjoy His presence and place our hope in Him all of our days. It is the simplicity of drawing from His presence that revelation is born. It's not from studying and studying for hours to find something that no one else has ever seen. Successful Christianity is when we are consumed with knowing our God and pursuing a relationship with Him. Seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness is what we are called to do. The rest of our life falls into place from our relationship with him.

If you can identify with this struggle, I encourage you to seek the Lord on this matter. Here is my prayer to the Lord, use it if you like, but pray your heart, not mine:

Lord, forgive me for seeking acceptance from man. In You, Lord, I am satisfied. In You I find acceptance. As Your vessel, open my mouth to speak forth the message You desire to be released through my life. Let me not add or take away from Your Word. I want to rest upon You and see You as my love and provider. Awaken my heart to this understanding. Let my hope be in You and You alone. Let my soul be calmed and quited within me. In Jesus' Name I pray, amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God really is messing with us isn't He?