Monday, November 26, 2007

More Just Thoughts

Watching all the holiday movies during a time when you're trying to not be reflective is not a good decision. But I do understand why I live my life in pursuit of more. It's all around me. It was early October when I first saw Christmas decorations. I almost zoomed right past Halloween and Thanksgiving. Halloween would not be an issue for me to zoom past. Our family has never been big on celebrating that day. I am so glad I stayed home and that we opened the Prayer Center on Thanksgiving even if it was just for 2 hours. Then movie by movie Christmas crept in. And there was another thing I noticed. All the movies had happy endings. Predictable happy endings. Not happy endings that worked out in the end but people got what they set out to get. That is not the world I experience but it sure is the world I search for.
So many times this weekend I heard people speak of time moving faster. Yes there is the idea that as you get older time moves faster. Where does that come from? Twenty four hours is twenty four hours regardless of my age... isn't it? I don't wait to enjoy one day before I'm pursuing the idea of the next. What will tomorrow hold? What will God do? Will it be filled with joy or challenge. Here I am on thanksgiving day watching Christmas movies. ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! By Sunday afternoon I was anticipating the completion of 2007 and a new year, a better year of course.
The idea that everything every moment is leading to a better one is flawed. I know that eternity awaits me but being hear on earth is my now. If today is good isn't there the potential for tomorrow to be better? And if tomorrow has the potential to be better then the next day could be great. Years ago I wrote a marketing strategy for some friends called, "There Must Be A Better Way." The whole campaign revolved around showing people that what they were doing and what they had was not what could be. It worked and turned out to be financially rewarding for the people I created it for. But not everyone shared in the success. Is there a better way for some and not for others? I believe that may be true in this world.
But as a Christians I am told that my ways are not His ways. Since all things come from God including words then There Must Be A Better Way. His way or my way? John Maxwell says make your decisions early and then manage them the rest of your life. I am learning day by day, step by step and moment by moment how to manage my decisions.

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