Thursday, November 8, 2007

Outer Collapse - Inner Strength Part 11

I am not going to review what I said yesterday or I will never get through this and onto what God has for me.
You're ending up with far more children than all those childbearing women." God says so!"
What has become clear since last year is what this looks like for this season. The Prayer Center exposes us to numerous people. People from all walks of church life and from the secular side of life. The Cafe brings them in and curiosity about "The Room" eventually gets them. They ask the questions and we have answers. People have found God in the place He has prepared as His resting place.
Clear lots of ground for your tents! Make your tents large. Spread out! Think big!
We cleared about 3,200 sq ft by signing a three year lease. It was big in that we needed a deposit of $10,000 and monthly rent of $5,000 not including anything else. LARGE tent! At the time and still today it is for me "Thinking Big." Add to that the expenses and at least some income for Ann Marie and I and it is "GIGANTIC."
Use plenty of rope, drive the tent pegs deep.
Now you'll have to pay special attention here as the story expands. Ann Marie had gotten a word a few years earlier about having a tent mentality. At that time it was for a church plant. The word came out of the Israelites who wandered for 40 years in the wilderness. There was a tabernacle and God showed Himself by day with a cloud and by night with a pillar of fire. When the cloud or the fire moved the people were to move. Pack up their tents, their belongings and move to where God moved them.
Okay, back to last year when the Spirit reminded me again of the "tent" mentality. A revelation of God's word had taken place and this time the word had nothing to do with a building or a specific church. The "tent" was us. We are the tent, God's dwelling place. What a concept. There are so many little details that I am leaving out. When they say hind sight is beautiful they are absolutely right. As I look at the past with today in view it all makes sense. Well maybe it doesn't make sense but I can see God's hand print.
So when the word said to use plenty of rope I took that to mean plenty of the word. When it said drive the tent pegs deep, I took that to mean that I was to be rooted, grounded, established and firm through personal, intimate relationship with my Father God. I did do that for a season. I wrapped myself in the word and I pounded those pegs constantly. But then the ground got hard and the calouses on my hands began to hurt. All I can say today is that I should have used more rope and driven the tent pegs much deeper. I believe I have labored more than I probably needed to. I did not pay enough attention to these "words." I didn't take them serious enough. They weren't urgent enough. Remember the title of this? Outer collapses take place because inner strength cannot sustain them. I was being told the very same thing through Isaiah 54 1-6.
I have said before that Jesus usually spoke things two or three times in different ways so that everyone had a shot at getting it. God did that for me and I didn't fully get it. Today I am getting more. Here I am thinking I'm doing this for someone else or as ministry and all the while God is working in me. Energizing and creating in me both the will and desire.

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