Wednesday, November 28, 2007

More Just Thoughts

Guilty as charged! I allowed the day to run me and I bought in hook, line and sinker to missing the value of a day lived for God. The whole day or at least what I remember of it was all about the future. In fact it was all about 2008 and the "better year" that is coming. At least 7 people made remark as to how fast time was going yesterday. Zoom, zoom, zoom!
Anyway I don't want to spend today talking about the missing day of Tuesday November 29th 2007. It is Wednesday and already this morning I have been laying out my day. Unless an unexpected "divine" appointment shows up I have no one to meet with. Kim Johnson will be here at 5 to do live intercession for the Prayer Center and I am purposing to make time to enter into that. It means getting home a little later but I anticipate that it will be the highlight of my day. Between now and then I have much to do. I have it in my mind to pace myself. I want to "TAKE" time to gaze upon His beauty, time to sit at His feet. I am fully aware that wanting to take and taking are two different things. I very well could end up like Paul. Not doing what I want to do and doing what I do not want to do. I heard a saying somewhere that, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions." I wonder how much of the pavement on that road is my intentions? Intentions... If I could count on intentions the Prayer Center would be 24/7/365 right now. If intentions were actions we would have live worship more than 50% of the time. If I could take intentions to the bank.............. I'll stop there. Intentions?

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