Thursday, November 29, 2007

More.. Just Thoughts

I ended yesterday different than my morning intentions. Big surprise! It wasn't another zoom day as I do remember almost every detail but, my closing line to someone was that "Sometimes God is a pain in the neck."
If anyone has been reading these blogs then you know that I have wanted, insisted, almost demanded a clear word from God similar to Elijah's experiences. All the while realizing that those types of words have done nothing for people long term. Adam and Eve walked with God and it did nothing for them in their everyday life. The Israelites saw God by day as a cloud and as fire by night, yet it did nothing to get them into the promised land. But I wanted the experience for myself. Perhaps I would be different that Adam and Eve and the thousands who wandered for forty years.
It was this past Monday that I got my Elijah experience. But by yesterday, Wednesday, just two days later I was asking for another word to support or go along with the Monday word. As I suspected in the past that one God word would not enough was now truth. As great as it was, just two days later it seemed to be less than first thought. It seemed to be incomplete. Incomplete enough to make me wonder if it was really a God word yet... I believe very strongly that it was!
Remember back some time ago when I said that I wished the Bible would fill in the details of stories? What did Elijah do everyday while sitting at the brook? That kind of stuff. I think I know why it's not written about. It's because those times are different for every person. Some may take the time and make it a vacation while others may be bored and go out and do whatever. The times between God words is personal and intimate. I can not live Elijah's life. I must live Ed's life. What Elijah did will not help me do the same thing. My story is yet to be written. What will I do with the word that God gave me? Will I stay put as Elijah did? Will I then move as Elijah did and find a widow waiting for me at the gate? What will I do now that I have what "I believe" is direction from God?

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