Wednesday, November 21, 2007

More Just Thoughts

I could as planned expand upon Exodus 23 but I believe I am led instead to Psalm 127. I hope to go back to Exodus. I am so hesitant to take a single passage from Old Testament days and try to live it out as a truth in today's world. Yet on the other hand... all scripture is given by the inspiration of God and for the purpose of training, correction, reproof, etc., etc.. Last night during our closing session Psalm 127 came to me. As I found it and read it for someone else the words lingered in my mind through-out the night and into this morning.
Psalm 127 is one of only two Psalms thought to be written by Solomon. The other Psalm is 72 and I think I'll take a look at that Psalm as well, possibly on Friday.

There are two parts to Psalm 127 and both fit within what I have been processing through in the blogs. Outer collapses, inner strength, humility. Part one of this Psalm is the vanity of doing anything outside of God. As though I could. Don't get me wrong, I can do a lot of things, but to what end? Lack of humility! Part two is the celebration of the value of doing only those things in which God is glorified. Nothing but humility.
So let's look at Psalm 127
1 EXCEPT THE Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it; except the Lord keeps the city, the watchman wakes but in vain.
2 It is vain for you to rise up early, to take rest late, to eat the bread of [anxious] toil--for He gives [blessings] to His beloved in sleep.
Except the Lord builds the house says, a life lived separate from God. The word house in several other verses is broken down to mean or include a family, home, or business. We all know families that are not built around God. We all know individuals that are trying to live lives outside of God. And we all know how ell that is working for them. This theme fits with Solomon. On many occasions he says that to build anything in and of ourselves is worthless, that it's useless, that it's just vanity to even think that we could. Personally Ann Marie and I have built a lot of things that we thought were God. Truth is that some were and some weren't. I'd like to stay away from making those same mistakes again. I don't need a bigger or better Prayer Room to do what God has stirred my heart to do. I don't need a better address to get people to come to Onething. But this thing God is doing is bigger than Onething Prayer Center. It currently involves 5 churches and over 30 ministries and that's just what these human eyes can see. And../ there is that word we received a month ago that said, "churches would step up and come alongside Onething in December and finances would become a non issue." The move opens the door for another church that desires to come along side of us. The move opens the door for us to increase our rental revenue to the place where Ann Marie and I can receive some amount of income.
Except the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it. I have no desire to be one laboring in vain. Too much of that has already taken time and energy from me. Too much of that has stolen God's glory. That brings me back to the word I felt a few days ago. ENOUGH! I don't mean enough space or growth or building. I mean enough me!

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