Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Whole truth And Nothing But The Truth

It was over a week ago that someone was sharing with me that they had felt in their spirit that they were not to speed anymore. They explained that for them it was rebellion to speed and they were to get rid of the rebellious spirit. It was 4 or 5 years ago when I felt that I was instructed to not speed anymore. I did not get the same word about rebellion but there was something that the Spirit was working in me. As this person shared I actually got a little defensive inside myself and thought that the rebellion thing was a little out there. I have told many people that I do not speed. In fact Ann Marie has made it a joke between us and many, many others. I'll spare you having to read them. I don't speed is my story and I'm sticking to it, so I thought. Within moments, even while I was listening to this person I saw myself driving to the Prayer Center. I didn't experience the whole trip. Just one particular place and I saw it over and over as though I was reliving every trip of every day over the past year of passing this place. Hundreds would not be an exageration.
There is an off ramp from the expressway and it goes up and over the road I am exiting onto. As I drive onto the bridge portion of this off ramp I look down on the road below. It's not just a glance and it's not to see traffic or the scenery. It's in a particular spot and for something very specific. I am looking for a police car. Yes, a police car. They used to park just around the curve of the ramp for the purpose of ticketing people who speed coming off the ramp. I realized right then that I look every day and with that realization came another. I do speed..... The speed limit on the off ramp is 25 and that's absurd in my estimation. I know better than the powers that be. I drive it more often than they do so I can tell you how fast a car can go around the curve of the ramp safely. The limit should be 45 and not one mile less. So I look down from the bridge everyday to see if there is a police car and if not I decide to do 45 verses the 25 posted limit. Even with that cars and trucks line up behind me. This has stuck with me and I have been made aware of the truth... I do speed. Not just in one isolated place but in many places and for different reasons which I think are all legitimate. Truth be told they are excuses and I'm not going to bore you with them. Besides I'd have to name names to do so. I found that less than 1/4 of my trip is within the legal speed limits.
Please remember this is about me and God not you and me or even you and God. No guilt or condemnation to anyone else. And no judgements from you to me either. Is it rebellion? I didn't think so but it is calculated, pre-determined disobedience to what the law says. Is it pride that let's me think I know better? I'd like to say that I'm a victim of other peoples circumstances. But... I am the one driving and looking for what I can get away with. And what other revelations are implied by this revelation from the Spirit? I'm sure I'm about to find out.

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