Monday, September 10, 2007


Matthew 11:28-30 "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."
The italicized words are Webster's definitions.
Keep company! Hold or retain in your possession; Hold or retain in my possesion the time I spend with Him. I have been given 24 hours a day just like everyone else. I can't buy more or sell it. It really is my most vauable possession. When I was younger I did think that I had more of it than I do now. As I have grown grew older, I like most, get a sense that my time is more valuable than I had once thought. I am going to have to carve out some time for Him. In times past I tried to make my time do double duty. I would be driving and doing some form of bible study.
hold as your own: My time is my own. Reallizing of course that I am given the time by God. And, yes I must provide for life but how and when and how much and where is all within my control, even though I often feel like I have no control. Hold as your own, realizing the value of what has been given, by whom it has been given, and for what purpose it is given.
If you like it, keep it. I have never met a person who said that they did not like being in the presence of God. So if I like it why don't I keep it? If someone tried to take Ann Marie they would have a fight on their hands. Truth is I have fought for many things with a sense of urgency much greater than I have fought for my time with Him.
hold in a given place; A given place.... I give place to eat every day. I give place to Ann Marie every day. I give place to many things everyday and many without a second thought. The place they have been given is almost sacred. I would not think of taking that place away or replacing it with something else. And get this! Most of the places I have given are out of necessity or required because of life choices i have made. Hold a given place for Him.
maintain in accordance with specific requirements: Jesus purposed to get up long before the sun rose and went to a far away place for a prolonged period of time. Why? To maintain relationship, to KEEP company with the Father. Specific requirements. I may have to meet with less people. I may have to watch less television. I may have to read less books. I may have to skip a conference or two. I may have to say no to another church activity. I may have to say no to my children taking on one more activity. I may have to say no to my talents, gifts and passion.
Keep companionship; fellowship; association: united or incorporated for joint action. More money will not keep me in company with Him. A different job will not keep me in company with Him. A different wife, different chidren, a different job, not even a different church will guarantee keeping company with Him. Today it requires a different choice!
For joint action! Not me doing my thing and God blessing it but God doing His thing and I humbly join in.
Keep company with Me! You do your part.
You'll learn to live freely and lightly! I'll do My part.

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