Friday, September 7, 2007


Matthew 11:28-30" Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."
I get the feeling that Jesus is saying, "Trust Me." Could it be that He knew I would one day be reading this and He thought I might be a bit skeptical?
I take "I won't " as a promise, a guarantee. I take "anything" to mean just that, ANYTHING! "I WON'T LAY ANYTHING!"
Heavy - of great weight; hard to lift or carry: of great amount, quantity, or size; of more than the usual or average weight: hard to bear; burdensome; harsh; oppressive:

Ill-Fitting - Not fitting well or correctly: Unsuitable or inappropriate: not the right size or shape
There are days, when everything, that is taking place in my life, fits one or all of those definitions! "Hard to bear." "Not fitting well." "Not the right size." Yet Jesus said, He would not give me them. So.... if Jesus promised not to give me anything heavy or ill-fitting then where does this junk come from?
The saying, "One man's junk is another mans treasure" comes to mind. So..... is that to say to me that my junk is God's treasure? God must be looking at something other than what I am. Because.................. Oh!
A prayer room visitor reminded me just this morning about Peter walking on the water. He took his eyes off Jesus and he began to get a lot wetter than he was a few moments before. And had it not been for Jesus, Peter would have become soaking wet and in serious trouble. I often see things that are out of my comfort zone. God comes and identifies Himself but I with my inquisitive way want to make sure it's really Him. Even though He said it was. In a few moments I conjure up what I think will satisfy my curiosity and before I can reconsider, I spew out my request. "Lord if it's You, command me to come to You on the water." So He said, "Come." My eyes now intently fixed on Him I get out of the boat and begin walking on a substance that I have no business walking on. It is incredible! Jesus did not intend for Peter or I to be ill-fitted in our circumstances. He enabled Peter to walk on the water and he enables me to walk without being heavy-laden and ill-fitted in the circumstance surrounding me. And might I just add that Peter is out there on His own accord. Am I heavy-laden and ill-fitted of my own accord.
Anyway, Jesus does not wait for Peter to go under and become desperate. He stretches out His hand and catches him. What did that look like? Was Peter paddling for dear life or did he respond to Jesus outstretched hand and grab on with all his might? If peter had "Come BACK to Him" would he have risen up out of the water and been able to continue his walk? Sorry it just comes out of me naturally.
I'll close with this. Jesus was in control of every detail. Have you every heard of anyone beginning to sink? I mean walking on the water is just one part of this. I am getting to experience the life of Peter. Peter was learning what I am learning..."the unforced rhythms of grace."

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