Friday, September 21, 2007

The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth - Part 3

I am declaring that ramp an injustice! Today I consciously made an attempt to get my speed down to 25 mph. But.... the momentum of coming off the expressway, and with no encouragement of my foot on the gas pedal, it took til the end of the ramp to get down to that level. The line of cars behind me grew back around the curve of the ramp. I literally coasted! I am serious when I say that to do the 25mph would be a hazard. By injustice I am saying that it is a wrong being forced on me. It is my opinion but if any of you were to "EXPERIENCE" this injustice I am convinced you would agree. And I would feel better with your agreement in hand so here are the directions................. just kidding.
Last night while driving home I began wondering if there were other areas of my life that I have decided not do as I had been instructed and of course several came to mind immediately. Of course! It was three years ago that we purchased our current home. Prior to that we had been on a Spirit led, focused debt free agenda. On the day we were to purchase the original home we were buying the comment came from a person in authority and someone we respected that we were not to live there but we were to live elsewhere because it was more "us." We did not purchase that home which would have been debt free and we went where it was more "us." We assumed a small debt but none the less a debt. Today we are struggling each month to make the payment on that "small" debt. Had we stuck to what the word had revealed to us many years before we would have no debt today. And to make matters worse we had not had a car payment in 20 years but under the same counsel and financial advice from a Christian Financial Planner we bought a car on payments. Now as God has called us out of our salaried positions these choices have caught up with us.
We had heard the Spirit leading us to be and remain debt free yet after careful calculation we choose to do it different. Instead of the speed limit we choose 45. Here I have been questioning God over the past year because of our financial situation and some 27 years ago we were told to be debt free. Jehovah Jirah our Provider! Oh how good would feel and be today without those payments!
Again let me say, "I am not teaching in this blog." I am exposing my thoughts and conversations with God. They may seem foolish or extreme or even ridiculous, but that's how my God is. He let's me speak openly and honestly about anything. So please don't take them personally and definitely don't try to apply my revelations to your life unless you personally have heard His voice or a word directing you to do so.

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