Friday, September 14, 2007


I was going through my Bible today and found this email. It's now over a year later and the words are again an encouragement for me. I'll let you read them as I am doing and then I'll share a couple thoughts.
It was June 29th 2006 when I received a word from someone that I had asked 5 months earlier to pray for me. This came on the heals of the spirit speaking to me and saying that I needed to get 4 people to pray for me for what was coming next. It included some words to the effect that if I didn't I may not even survive ministry past the end of 2006 and I may not even live beyond 2006. I was a little sluggish in getting it done. After returning from vacation one day a man asked what God had shown me while we were away. I shared and then he shared. He had asked a man who was leaving for Kansas City to go to a place where they prayer 24/7 to pray for me. It was as if God said, "if you won't move on this I will." I had never met this man and yet I knew that he was praying for me daily, hourly. Anyway I did ask a couple others and then I asked this woman who I had know was an intercessor. I never heard a word from anyone for 5 months. Then I received this email.
Ed, it's very hard to find you on Sunday's but I did want you to know that you are in my prayers every morning without fail. God is doing a mighty work in you and He is calling you to step out. I know you have heard His voice, but you have been reluctant to move, wondering if this is the right time. The time is now and you are in the right place. Do not move quickly but cautiously, be aware of your surroundings and beware of the one who wants to cling to you like a leach and claims to have words that you know are not His. You know His voice, and He will lead you and guide you. You are His child and He is well pleased in you.
Ed, I don't know what all this means but I pray God's protection over your steps and He takes you to places that you've never been but gladly await. God bless you today and know that angels have been dispatched to surround you.
A year later and they are as fresh as they were June 29th 2006. Much happened within 10 days of this email, which I am not going to recall. We did step out. Way out by most standards. Ann Marie and I both know that we heard His voice calling us to take steps on a different path. It was and is still true that we are a little reluctant to move from where we are, but necessity is forcing us to. We are not moving quickly and we are cautiously aware of our surroundings. There was one who was clinging and there still are those that would if we were not careful. To this day we still get words that are given supposedly from God but our spirit bears no witness to them. Ann Marie and I do know His voice and we do know that He is well pleased with us. This is not to say that we have arrived by any means. As for angels having been dispatched to surround us, we know that to be true as well as we have experienced their presence.
The past year has taken me to places that I have never been but had gladly awaited. It is not over! The words in the email do not speak of a destination but of a journey. All that has happened since this email has not been just to take me to today. Everything has been a vehicle. Taking from one place to another. Places that I have only dreamt about or heard about. And at some point this vehicle may need to be traded in for another one. I don't know. So I must today care for the vehicle I have. It needs routine maintenance, Oil changes, tire rotations, washing, fluids checked. You get the idea. As Paul said, "I press in for the prize of the high calling of God." Me too!

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