Wednesday, September 12, 2007

"Less Is More" - Part 1

"Less of me and more of Him." I am learning that this is not just a matter of waking up on the right side of the bed. I am also learning that I am better off not trying to see or understand any bigger picture of this than for the day I am living. Many would say that I should have learned that already. I've had those thoughts as well but, my response today is... sorry.
If I am to be transformed in this way then I must become a desperate person unifying in vision and intercession with Him, which will enable the heavens to open over me. The presence of God in the midst of people has always been and always will be the catalyst for change. I must treasure the manifested presence of God in my life because Jesus said in John 15:5, “Without Me you can do nothing.”
When I become desperate for His presence I will move beyond convenience and personal comfort. I have some experience in that! Honestly.... there is some trepidation (An involuntary trembling or quivering) as I think about what that may entail. This does all fit with "Keeping company with Him and living freely and lightly."
Wesley Adams wrote a book titled “The Fire Of God’s Presence”.

This is revival from heaven! When men in the streets are afraid to speak godless words for fear that God’s judgment will fall! When sinners, aware of the fire of God’s presence, tremble in the streets crying out for mercy. When, without human advertising, the Holy Spirit sweeps across cities and towns in supernatural power and holds people in the grip of terrifying conviction. When every store becomes a pulpit, every heart an altar, every home a sanctuary, and people walk carefully before God. This is revival!
As I read Wesly Adams words, they became personal. Here's what I read.
Ed, this is transformation from heaven! When you are in the streets you are afraid to speak godless words for fear that God’s judgment will fall! Ed, when you, aware of the fire of God’s presence, tremble in the streets crying out for mercy. Ed, when, without human advertising, the Holy Spirit sweeps across cities and towns in supernatural power and holds YOU in the grip of terrifying conviction. Ed, when every store you enter becomes a pulpit, every heart an altar, YOUR home a sanctuary, and YOU walk carefully before God. This is YOUR transformation!
Revelation 3:19 "The people I love, I call to account—prod and correct and guide so that they'll live at their best. Up on your feet, then! About face! Run after God!
Wesley Adam's words bring confirmation to what I have been already sensing this past week. God saying, "Ed I want you to live life at it's best!" I have felt prodding, correcting, a calling to account for some areas of my life. Today as I opened the word it went to the book of Revelation and the letters to the churches. I have heard many messages taught on these letters but have never looked closely for myself. We'll see what God would have me to do when the time comes? I just glanced through the seven letters today and my heart was stirred. I think the intent may be that I would see more details of my ongoing transformation to truly become a person desperate for His presence.

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