Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Matthew 11:29 Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest (relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls.
I can't resist going to the Message for a clearer picture. The first part of the verse tells us HOW we're going to learn, the second part tells us WHAT we're going to learn and the third part tells us WHEN. My tendency would be to skip the first and last parts and go for the WHAT. My thought would be that the HOW will work itself out as I pursue the WHAT. And as for the WHEN... well, the sooner I know WHAT, won't the WHEN come? But... I will resist my tendency and proceed as it is written.
Get away with me and you'll recover your life.
Leave this and that behind! What you think is your life is not the life I intended for you.
I'll show you how to take a real rest.
Something different than what you have been calling rest. No fake it til you make it rest!
Walk with me and work with me—
We'll walk for a time together and then we'll work for a time together. Walk.... and work.
watch how I do it.
I'll show you, we'll do it together, I'll show you again! We'll take our time.
On the job training. Fantastic! I am a hands-on learner so I should do well.
I see that this is not a quick visit to the local drive-thru. It's more of a sit down meal. I'll need to allot time for this to happen.
On Sunday Ann Marie wanted to get out of the house. I wasn't particularly feeling the same desire but knowing that we have been cleaning up some outstanding tasks every off day we've had, I thought it best to oblige her. My thought was a quick trip somewhere and then back home. But.... as we took off, something inside me told me that my quick trip idea would not be sufficient. Ann Marie was saying "Get away with me, let's recover some life." Let's do something different than what we have been doing because life is feeling heavy-laden and overburdened. I realized that I needed to make the day available and not just a couple hours. We took off and had a great time revisiting places that we had enjoyed in the past but have not been to for more than a year due to life. I decided we were in no hurry because we were together and that's what counted. My best friend and I recovering a portion of our life.
I get the feeling that I'll need more than the allotment of time I originally portioned out for this. Ann Marie said that she enjoyed the day very much. I want no less from my spiritual walk with Jesus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved the illustration of your day with Ann Marie. That's exactly what we do with God...we decide ahead of time how much time we think we want to spend with Him. In actuality He already has in His mind how much time He wants to spend with us. And when we listen to His heart and spend that time with Him at the end of the day I beleive He says to us "It was a great day with you I enjoyed my time with you. We are people in such a HURRY!!!!! Give Him the alloted time that He wants with us not what WE THINK we have for HIM!!