Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Better Late Than Never?

The day has slipped away as it so often does here at the prayer center. You minister to someone and the day is all of a sudden gone. You participate in a session and before you know it hours have gone by. You take on an administrative or maintenance task and 5 o'clock is there. Regardless of the reason time just flies.
I am still asking myself the questions I ended with yesterday. They deserve more than a flip answer. That is if they are going to have any value. If I am asking them simply for something to write in the daily blog then what good is that?
The prayer center is a year and one day old today! I am overwhelmed with all that has taken place in that year. Gratefulness is the word that floods my thoughts. So I am going to spend more time today BEING grateful than I am in writing about it.

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