Thursday, September 27, 2007

There Seems To Be A Mystery?

Through-out my life I have been puzzled by the number of people and myself included on some occasions saying "I wish I knew what God's will was." It's said in many different ways but they all come down to the fact that God's will seems to be a mystery. There was a man at the center yesterday and we asked him to do a 2 hour session once a month. He checked his schedule and it was open. He named off 5 or 6 people that could assist in some sort of rotation so that it may be only once every two or three months. He even said he needed places for these worshippers to develop. But...... he stopped and said I love this place, I'm in support of what you're doing at the center, so I'll go back and pray about it. I hear this all the time and not just at the center. I do not want to say that this person will not return because in fact he ended up committing to one session next month, but most who tell me that they will go and pray about it don't come back and say anything. Then six months later they reappear and apologize etc., etc., etc..
So in my analytical mind I began to analyse what the person might be thinking or saying. I mean all I did was ask him to come and pray or lead prayer for a session. Why wouldn't God want them to pray? This person leads a team that is all about prayer and worship. So it's not that they are unfamiliar with the task. They also said they needed a place for their new worshippers to develop. That's what we make available at the center and he already said he loved the place. So I don't get it? What is there to pray about. Schedule is clear, there is a bond for what both ministries do, we need worshippers and he needs places for worshippers. Is it possible that just the fact that we were sitting together that it is God's will? I did not have to pray about it because it has been a part of my prayer time for over a year. God we need worshippers to accomplish Prayer as Worship 24/7/365. This person is my provision! Right! I went to immediate thanks for God's provision but hand to slam the brakes on until they pray about it?
I'm sorry, this is just some venting, yes some frustration. I do apologize if this offends anyone reading it. It is not my intention to offend. I am trying to understand for myself. Perhaps I am the one who needs to go back and ask God ........................................... something? I'm not quite sure what, but something?
Am I presumptuous to think that I know God's will? I use this illustration all the time. Let's say your mother baked cookies for you and she baked three different kinds. She put some of each on the plate and told you to have some cookies. You then select between chocolate chip, peanut butter, and raisin. Your mother gave you the choice. She knows that you will select the cookies that you want and that you will eat them. She does not sit there and mumble under her breath that you had better pick the raisin ones or you're in trouble. If she wanted you to have the raisin ones she would have one baked just the raisin ones or she would have only offered the raisin ones. Am I wrong in thinking that God is that way? God serves up a day for me by giving me breath. There is a buffet of life choices for me to select from. Do I need to ask if I can have chocolate chip if it's on the buffet. Am I misguided to think that God is big enough to get me to where he wants me to go should a specific destination be on His mind. So long as my selecting my favorite cookie brings honor and glory to Him can't I have whatever flavor cookie I desire?

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Better Late Than Never?

The day has slipped away as it so often does here at the prayer center. You minister to someone and the day is all of a sudden gone. You participate in a session and before you know it hours have gone by. You take on an administrative or maintenance task and 5 o'clock is there. Regardless of the reason time just flies.
I am still asking myself the questions I ended with yesterday. They deserve more than a flip answer. That is if they are going to have any value. If I am asking them simply for something to write in the daily blog then what good is that?
The prayer center is a year and one day old today! I am overwhelmed with all that has taken place in that year. Gratefulness is the word that floods my thoughts. So I am going to spend more time today BEING grateful than I am in writing about it.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Truth or Dare?

Ananias and Sapphira dared God! I do not ever want to be in the position of daring God to do or not do anything. If it was so important for them to be associated with the congregation of believers then why not be one? Why "secretly" hold back anything?
Acts 5:7-11 Not more than three hours later, his wife, knowing nothing of what had happened, came in. Peter said, "Tell me, were you given this price for your field?" "Yes," she said, "that price." Peter responded, "What's going on here that you connived to conspire against the Spirit of the Master? The men who buried your husband are at the door, and you're next."
Peter obviously knew the truth but asked the question anyway. I'd like to think that he (through the leading of the Spirit) was giving her the opportunity to make things right. But once you're into deception or any sin it is difficult to get yourself out. Sin gets a grip and is relentless when it comes to keeping what it has. I think I would have been wondering why Peter is asking me this. Peter let's Sapphira know that her sin is not against him or any man but against God and then pronounces her dead. DEAD! DEAD AND BURIED! It doesn't appear that she even has time to comprehend what Peter says before she dies. I'm not sure that the shock of his words even has time to make sense to her. "My husband dead?" "Two men buried who?" "I'm what?" Poof.... she's dead!
No sooner were the words out of his mouth than she also fell down, dead. When the young men returned they found her body. They carried her out and buried her beside her husband.
The two men just finish burying Ananias and they now have another. I'll bet the news traveled real fast.

11By this time the whole church and, in fact, everyone who heard of these things had a healthy respect for God. They knew God was not to be trifled with.
Is there any wonder that this congregation had a healthy respect for God? I'm sure they did all know that God was not to be trifled with.
I can not help but wonder if my respect for God is healthy? Am I fully convinced that God is not to be trifled with? Perhaps I have exchanged my healthy respect for God with an unhealthy presumption of mercy and grace?

Monday, September 24, 2007

Truth or Dare?

Over the weekend these words came to mind. Truth or Dare? They do fit the things I've been sharing. Am I asking God for truth or am I daring Him. The story of Ananias and Sapphira came to me so I reread it. I was already very familiar with it so there was some hesitation as to why I was led to the story again.
Acts 5:1-2 But a man named Ananias—his wife, Sapphira, conniving in this with him—sold a piece of land, secretly kept part of the price for himself, and then brought the rest to the apostles and made an offering of it. Peter said, "Ananias, how did Satan get you to lie to the Holy Spirit and secretly keep back part of the price of the field? Before you sold it, it was all yours, and after you sold it, the money was yours to do with as you wished. So what got into you to pull a trick like this? You didn't lie to men but to God." Ananias, when he heard those words, fell down dead. That put the fear of God into everyone who heard of it. The younger men went right to work and wrapped him up, then carried him out and buried him.
That's enough for me to consider today. Specifically verses 3 and 4. Peter knows what is only known to two people. The problem here was not the selling of the land. Peter says to Ananias and Sapphira you owned it and you had the freedom to do with it as you wanted. You really have to go back to chapter 4, say the last 5 or 6 verses to see what was going on here.
Peter also says that even after you sold it the money was yours to do with as you wished. So owning the land, selling the land and getting the money were not the issues. One single word was the problem. "SECRETLY!"
I have no choice but to include chapter 4 verse 32 on. I think bullet points will serve well.
  • The whole congregation of believers was united as one—one heart, one mind!
  • They didn't even claim ownership of their own possessions.
  • No one said, "That's mine; you can't have it."
  • They shared everything.
  • The apostles gave powerful witness to the resurrection of the Master Jesus,
  • and grace was on all of them.
  • And so it turned out that not a person among them was needy.
  • Those who owned fields or houses sold them and brought the price of the sale to the apostles and made an offering of it.
  • The apostles then distributed it according to each person's need.
  • Joseph, called by the apostles "Barnabas" (which means "Son of Comfort"), a Levite born in Cyprus,
  • sold a field that he owned,
  • brought the money,
  • and made an offering of it to the apostles.

Everything going on was out in the open. Nothing being done secretly. Something that comes to mind here is that while everyone was selling there had to be those who were buying. There was no one twisting Ananias's arm to do anything. Ananias was doing what his flesh was leading him to do and the others were doing what the Spirit of God was leading them to do. God had moved on their hearts. But obviously not on Ananias and Sapphira's. Ananias wanted the recognition, the title so to speak, the association but not the full responsibility. In a sense he wanted to be guilty by association. If I hang around with this congregation of believers I will be one. We saw how that worked for them.

The giving by Ananias and Sapphira was of benefit to the overall picture of things, but the intent of their heart was to deceive and therefore it was of no benefit to them. Instead of being seen as one of the congregation, one of the believers, they die on the spot, separated from the congregation. More importantly separated from God as Peter points out in chapter 5:4. There is accountability in being a part of the congregation of believers and while Peter exposed the deception God held Ananias and Sapphira accountable.

Friday, September 21, 2007

The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth - Part 3

I am declaring that ramp an injustice! Today I consciously made an attempt to get my speed down to 25 mph. But.... the momentum of coming off the expressway, and with no encouragement of my foot on the gas pedal, it took til the end of the ramp to get down to that level. The line of cars behind me grew back around the curve of the ramp. I literally coasted! I am serious when I say that to do the 25mph would be a hazard. By injustice I am saying that it is a wrong being forced on me. It is my opinion but if any of you were to "EXPERIENCE" this injustice I am convinced you would agree. And I would feel better with your agreement in hand so here are the directions................. just kidding.
Last night while driving home I began wondering if there were other areas of my life that I have decided not do as I had been instructed and of course several came to mind immediately. Of course! It was three years ago that we purchased our current home. Prior to that we had been on a Spirit led, focused debt free agenda. On the day we were to purchase the original home we were buying the comment came from a person in authority and someone we respected that we were not to live there but we were to live elsewhere because it was more "us." We did not purchase that home which would have been debt free and we went where it was more "us." We assumed a small debt but none the less a debt. Today we are struggling each month to make the payment on that "small" debt. Had we stuck to what the word had revealed to us many years before we would have no debt today. And to make matters worse we had not had a car payment in 20 years but under the same counsel and financial advice from a Christian Financial Planner we bought a car on payments. Now as God has called us out of our salaried positions these choices have caught up with us.
We had heard the Spirit leading us to be and remain debt free yet after careful calculation we choose to do it different. Instead of the speed limit we choose 45. Here I have been questioning God over the past year because of our financial situation and some 27 years ago we were told to be debt free. Jehovah Jirah our Provider! Oh how good would feel and be today without those payments!
Again let me say, "I am not teaching in this blog." I am exposing my thoughts and conversations with God. They may seem foolish or extreme or even ridiculous, but that's how my God is. He let's me speak openly and honestly about anything. So please don't take them personally and definitely don't try to apply my revelations to your life unless you personally have heard His voice or a word directing you to do so.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth

I'd like to find another word other than rebellion and I don't much care for disobedient either. How about challenged? Isn't everybody challenged in some way or another? That would make what I do more average, more every day joe, more like everyone else. Immediately the verse "so live your life in contrast" comes to mind. Contrast to what..... the world of course. I told you that there was more to this than just speeding although that is not trivial (for me). Paul said, "I do the things I don't want to do and I don't do the things I do want to do." I'm in good company.
Even this morning as I drove through the spot, which by the way I had previously determined not to look, I still looked. I did the thing I did not want to do. Right up to the moment I told myself I was not going to look and yet I did. No one else in the car told me to or twisted my arm or moved my head. No one in the car even knew what was going on. I say I did not want to do it but then why did I do it anyway? Choice! It's that simple. I made the choice to look and again see what I could get away with and the result was taking the ramp at 40 miles per hour in a 25 mile per hour speed zone. All the while I was looking at the speedometer, knowing what I was doing and knowing all the while that I had been led by the Spirit to not speed, I proceed anyway.
I dislike inconsistency in others and despise it in myself. Writing this blog does not make matters easier. It may make for some humorous reading to some, but it is troublesome for me. I want the things of God in my life , yet how can I expect them if I won't do what He has directed me to do. I know there is His mercy and I rely upon His grace, but isn't that presumptuous in this situation? I have difficulty with what I think are presumptuous people, and I don't want to be a hypocrite. Integrity is of great importance to me. I have not gotten a ticket in that location so has His mercy and Grace kept me. I do watch for police cars and when I see one I immediately slow down. What's up with that? If I do not speed then why do I look and why slow down if I'm not speeding. After at least 3 years you'd think it would be a habit not to speed. But many times my circumstances and my judgements make room for me to do what I am not to do. I know this is just speeding but how many murderers or robbers never thought they would do what they did. Yet circumstances allowed them the opportunity to do what they thought they would never do. If jail is their risk then a ticket is mine, but that's here on earth. What is at risk in the kingdom for me. For every action there is a corresponding result. I'm not saying I will be disqualified from eternity but I'm not so proud as to say I won't be either. I have always tried to live life where that would not be a question. Error to the side of eternity. I also don't want less than the fullness of God. Many including me have settled for less than God's best or fullness. Those days are past. Or so I thought.......

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Whole truth And Nothing But The Truth

It was over a week ago that someone was sharing with me that they had felt in their spirit that they were not to speed anymore. They explained that for them it was rebellion to speed and they were to get rid of the rebellious spirit. It was 4 or 5 years ago when I felt that I was instructed to not speed anymore. I did not get the same word about rebellion but there was something that the Spirit was working in me. As this person shared I actually got a little defensive inside myself and thought that the rebellion thing was a little out there. I have told many people that I do not speed. In fact Ann Marie has made it a joke between us and many, many others. I'll spare you having to read them. I don't speed is my story and I'm sticking to it, so I thought. Within moments, even while I was listening to this person I saw myself driving to the Prayer Center. I didn't experience the whole trip. Just one particular place and I saw it over and over as though I was reliving every trip of every day over the past year of passing this place. Hundreds would not be an exageration.
There is an off ramp from the expressway and it goes up and over the road I am exiting onto. As I drive onto the bridge portion of this off ramp I look down on the road below. It's not just a glance and it's not to see traffic or the scenery. It's in a particular spot and for something very specific. I am looking for a police car. Yes, a police car. They used to park just around the curve of the ramp for the purpose of ticketing people who speed coming off the ramp. I realized right then that I look every day and with that realization came another. I do speed..... The speed limit on the off ramp is 25 and that's absurd in my estimation. I know better than the powers that be. I drive it more often than they do so I can tell you how fast a car can go around the curve of the ramp safely. The limit should be 45 and not one mile less. So I look down from the bridge everyday to see if there is a police car and if not I decide to do 45 verses the 25 posted limit. Even with that cars and trucks line up behind me. This has stuck with me and I have been made aware of the truth... I do speed. Not just in one isolated place but in many places and for different reasons which I think are all legitimate. Truth be told they are excuses and I'm not going to bore you with them. Besides I'd have to name names to do so. I found that less than 1/4 of my trip is within the legal speed limits.
Please remember this is about me and God not you and me or even you and God. No guilt or condemnation to anyone else. And no judgements from you to me either. Is it rebellion? I didn't think so but it is calculated, pre-determined disobedience to what the law says. Is it pride that let's me think I know better? I'd like to say that I'm a victim of other peoples circumstances. But... I am the one driving and looking for what I can get away with. And what other revelations are implied by this revelation from the Spirit? I'm sure I'm about to find out.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Post Reminissing

By the end of Friday I knew that rereading the word from my prayer intercessor was of God and it was timely. I'm not going into all the details because they mean nothing to anyone but me. Perhaps more as it unfolds this week?
I had the opportunity to share at a church Sunday and the word God had for me was that I do not understand everything and I was not created to understand everything. BUT..... And this was the specific word for me..... I must hang on to what I do understand. I must be rooted, grounded, established, and firm in WHO HE IS! I can always count on God's character and nature. I can also count on His unpredictability. There is no security in what God is doing... only in Who He is.

Friday, September 14, 2007


I was going through my Bible today and found this email. It's now over a year later and the words are again an encouragement for me. I'll let you read them as I am doing and then I'll share a couple thoughts.
It was June 29th 2006 when I received a word from someone that I had asked 5 months earlier to pray for me. This came on the heals of the spirit speaking to me and saying that I needed to get 4 people to pray for me for what was coming next. It included some words to the effect that if I didn't I may not even survive ministry past the end of 2006 and I may not even live beyond 2006. I was a little sluggish in getting it done. After returning from vacation one day a man asked what God had shown me while we were away. I shared and then he shared. He had asked a man who was leaving for Kansas City to go to a place where they prayer 24/7 to pray for me. It was as if God said, "if you won't move on this I will." I had never met this man and yet I knew that he was praying for me daily, hourly. Anyway I did ask a couple others and then I asked this woman who I had know was an intercessor. I never heard a word from anyone for 5 months. Then I received this email.
Ed, it's very hard to find you on Sunday's but I did want you to know that you are in my prayers every morning without fail. God is doing a mighty work in you and He is calling you to step out. I know you have heard His voice, but you have been reluctant to move, wondering if this is the right time. The time is now and you are in the right place. Do not move quickly but cautiously, be aware of your surroundings and beware of the one who wants to cling to you like a leach and claims to have words that you know are not His. You know His voice, and He will lead you and guide you. You are His child and He is well pleased in you.
Ed, I don't know what all this means but I pray God's protection over your steps and He takes you to places that you've never been but gladly await. God bless you today and know that angels have been dispatched to surround you.
A year later and they are as fresh as they were June 29th 2006. Much happened within 10 days of this email, which I am not going to recall. We did step out. Way out by most standards. Ann Marie and I both know that we heard His voice calling us to take steps on a different path. It was and is still true that we are a little reluctant to move from where we are, but necessity is forcing us to. We are not moving quickly and we are cautiously aware of our surroundings. There was one who was clinging and there still are those that would if we were not careful. To this day we still get words that are given supposedly from God but our spirit bears no witness to them. Ann Marie and I do know His voice and we do know that He is well pleased with us. This is not to say that we have arrived by any means. As for angels having been dispatched to surround us, we know that to be true as well as we have experienced their presence.
The past year has taken me to places that I have never been but had gladly awaited. It is not over! The words in the email do not speak of a destination but of a journey. All that has happened since this email has not been just to take me to today. Everything has been a vehicle. Taking from one place to another. Places that I have only dreamt about or heard about. And at some point this vehicle may need to be traded in for another one. I don't know. So I must today care for the vehicle I have. It needs routine maintenance, Oil changes, tire rotations, washing, fluids checked. You get the idea. As Paul said, "I press in for the prize of the high calling of God." Me too!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

"Less Is More" - Part 2

Seven Letters to Seven Churches that all existed within a 50 square mile radius. Seven letters that serve as warnings and should be considered by every church in every age. It is not my intent to do a study of these seven letters or churches but to grab the meat of them and see what comes from that.
All seven letters to the churches contain pretty much the same elements.
1. A description of Christ that comes from the vision described in Chapter one.
2. A commendation or recognition of the efforts in a particular area.
3. A rebuke for the behavior in some area of their lives.
4. A correction for what is wrong.
5. A promise to those that overcome.
Church #1 - Ephesus - They are commended for rejecting evil, persevering and for patience. They are corrected for losing their first love of Christ. The way they are to correct the problem is to return to the things they did when they first came to Christ. The overcomer's are promised the tree of life.
Church #2 - Smyrna - They are commended because they gracefully bear suffering. They received no correction. Since there was no correction necessary they are encouraged to remain faithful until death and their promise is the crown of life.
Church #3 - Pergamos - They are commended for keeping the faith of Christ. They are corrected for tolerating immorality, idolatry, and heresies. What did they need to do to correct their problem? REPENT. The promise if they did was hidden manna and a stone with a new name.
Church #4 - Thyatira - They are commended for their love, service, faith, patience because it has increased. They are corrected because they tolerate a cult of idolatry and immorality. They are instructed to keep the faith as judgement is coming. They are promised that they will rule over nations and receive morning star.
Church #5 - Sardis - They are commended for keeping the faith. They are corrected for being a dead church. They are told to repent and strengthen what remains. If the do they are promised to be found faithful, honored and clothed in white.
Church #6 - Philadelphia - They are commended for persevering in the faith and keeping the word of Christ as well as honoring His name. There are no corrections so they are to simply continue keeping the faith. They are promised a place in God's presence, a new name and the new Jerusalem.
Church #7 - Laodicea - There are no commendations and as for correction they are indifferent. They are to repent and be zealous so that they will share Christ's throne.
So which letter would I receive? I would have thought that being strong in faith would have been priority number one. But I see that church number five was strong in faith but dead as a church.
Two churches out of seven that looked like what God intended. One commended because they gracefully bear suffering. The second commended because they persevere in the faith, keep the word of Christ and honor His name.
I'm not going to spend anymore time here trying to expand upon what is written. The reason is that there would be some that read it that would make it personal to them or their church. I am in no way reflecting on any church. I am searching for me as a part of the church. I see some areas where a letter commended a church for something that is weak or lacking in me. I see in the letters some things that a church was corrected for that are evident in my life. I will consider all the information and alternatives offered for the corrections and continue my journey to share in all the promises.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

"Less Is More" - Part 1

"Less of me and more of Him." I am learning that this is not just a matter of waking up on the right side of the bed. I am also learning that I am better off not trying to see or understand any bigger picture of this than for the day I am living. Many would say that I should have learned that already. I've had those thoughts as well but, my response today is... sorry.
If I am to be transformed in this way then I must become a desperate person unifying in vision and intercession with Him, which will enable the heavens to open over me. The presence of God in the midst of people has always been and always will be the catalyst for change. I must treasure the manifested presence of God in my life because Jesus said in John 15:5, “Without Me you can do nothing.”
When I become desperate for His presence I will move beyond convenience and personal comfort. I have some experience in that! Honestly.... there is some trepidation (An involuntary trembling or quivering) as I think about what that may entail. This does all fit with "Keeping company with Him and living freely and lightly."
Wesley Adams wrote a book titled “The Fire Of God’s Presence”.

This is revival from heaven! When men in the streets are afraid to speak godless words for fear that God’s judgment will fall! When sinners, aware of the fire of God’s presence, tremble in the streets crying out for mercy. When, without human advertising, the Holy Spirit sweeps across cities and towns in supernatural power and holds people in the grip of terrifying conviction. When every store becomes a pulpit, every heart an altar, every home a sanctuary, and people walk carefully before God. This is revival!
As I read Wesly Adams words, they became personal. Here's what I read.
Ed, this is transformation from heaven! When you are in the streets you are afraid to speak godless words for fear that God’s judgment will fall! Ed, when you, aware of the fire of God’s presence, tremble in the streets crying out for mercy. Ed, when, without human advertising, the Holy Spirit sweeps across cities and towns in supernatural power and holds YOU in the grip of terrifying conviction. Ed, when every store you enter becomes a pulpit, every heart an altar, YOUR home a sanctuary, and YOU walk carefully before God. This is YOUR transformation!
Revelation 3:19 "The people I love, I call to account—prod and correct and guide so that they'll live at their best. Up on your feet, then! About face! Run after God!
Wesley Adam's words bring confirmation to what I have been already sensing this past week. God saying, "Ed I want you to live life at it's best!" I have felt prodding, correcting, a calling to account for some areas of my life. Today as I opened the word it went to the book of Revelation and the letters to the churches. I have heard many messages taught on these letters but have never looked closely for myself. We'll see what God would have me to do when the time comes? I just glanced through the seven letters today and my heart was stirred. I think the intent may be that I would see more details of my ongoing transformation to truly become a person desperate for His presence.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Matthew 11:28-30 "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."
Learn - to acquire knowledge of or skill in by study, instruction, or experience: to become informed of or acquainted with: to gain (a habit, mannerism, etc.) by experience, exposure to example.
The thing is..... am I ever going to finish learning? I mean is there a time when I will have learned and I can just apply what I have learned and not think about what's next. I suppose not. I guess when the day comes that I stop learning I will be dead. I need to stop thinking of learning as a destination as though I could learn all there is to know. Learning is a journey and at the moment you learn - something else is revealed - for you to learn.
For me learning has been greatly influenced by the teacher. Years ago I decided to learn how to play the guitar. I did not like the teacher, so I "learned" on my own. For that reason, I am not a good or even average guitar player. At one point I bought a Martin Guitar which is one of the best. That did not help make me a better guitar player. It only made people think I was good. The real problem with me learning is exactly what I did with playing the guitar. I learned it on my own. That has been a large part of my life. When I wanted to work on my car as a teenager I tore a transmission apart and rebuilt it on my own. A few weeks longer than anticipated and a few leftover parts later it was back up and running...... but with no reverse. Did I mention that no reverse was the original problem? Did I take it to a transmission specialist? No, I didn't have any money. So what could I do but tear it apart again and rebuild it one more time. After all I now have some experience. It took me less time the second time around but I still ended up with a few leftover pieces. Second time was a charm. I sold it for $100 dollars and bought my next car for $300. I have done dozens of things that way. I have never been afraid to try anything. But very few if any have I chosen to do over and over. I do still play at the guitar but, I would no longer do any type repair on my car and as I said, that goes for dozens of other things as well. I have embraced the idea that necessity is the mother of invention. Necessity has driven a large part of my life.
While that may sound exciting to some it could be the reason why I am still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. It could also be why I get bored so easily.
What does all this have to do with learning to live freely and lightly? Well...... If anyone can teach me it is the man who spoke these words. I have tried to learn them on my own over and over. For months I have felt a call to "Be still and know." For a guy who has always done, it is difficult to be still. I "Do still" really well. I want to live freely and lightly. We have achieved some level of success in that. But... no where near to being able to say that freely and lightly are a lifestyle for us. On any given day freely and lightly looks different, still dependent on the circumstances of that day.
Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest.
Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.
Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."
Three times Jesus says the same thing yet different each time. And, less words each time He says it. Perhaps the message for me, - within the message - is that "less is more?"

Monday, September 10, 2007


Matthew 11:28-30 "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."
The italicized words are Webster's definitions.
Keep company! Hold or retain in your possession; Hold or retain in my possesion the time I spend with Him. I have been given 24 hours a day just like everyone else. I can't buy more or sell it. It really is my most vauable possession. When I was younger I did think that I had more of it than I do now. As I have grown grew older, I like most, get a sense that my time is more valuable than I had once thought. I am going to have to carve out some time for Him. In times past I tried to make my time do double duty. I would be driving and doing some form of bible study.
hold as your own: My time is my own. Reallizing of course that I am given the time by God. And, yes I must provide for life but how and when and how much and where is all within my control, even though I often feel like I have no control. Hold as your own, realizing the value of what has been given, by whom it has been given, and for what purpose it is given.
If you like it, keep it. I have never met a person who said that they did not like being in the presence of God. So if I like it why don't I keep it? If someone tried to take Ann Marie they would have a fight on their hands. Truth is I have fought for many things with a sense of urgency much greater than I have fought for my time with Him.
hold in a given place; A given place.... I give place to eat every day. I give place to Ann Marie every day. I give place to many things everyday and many without a second thought. The place they have been given is almost sacred. I would not think of taking that place away or replacing it with something else. And get this! Most of the places I have given are out of necessity or required because of life choices i have made. Hold a given place for Him.
maintain in accordance with specific requirements: Jesus purposed to get up long before the sun rose and went to a far away place for a prolonged period of time. Why? To maintain relationship, to KEEP company with the Father. Specific requirements. I may have to meet with less people. I may have to watch less television. I may have to read less books. I may have to skip a conference or two. I may have to say no to another church activity. I may have to say no to my children taking on one more activity. I may have to say no to my talents, gifts and passion.
Keep companionship; fellowship; association: united or incorporated for joint action. More money will not keep me in company with Him. A different job will not keep me in company with Him. A different wife, different chidren, a different job, not even a different church will guarantee keeping company with Him. Today it requires a different choice!
For joint action! Not me doing my thing and God blessing it but God doing His thing and I humbly join in.
Keep company with Me! You do your part.
You'll learn to live freely and lightly! I'll do My part.

Friday, September 7, 2007


Matthew 11:28-30" Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."
I get the feeling that Jesus is saying, "Trust Me." Could it be that He knew I would one day be reading this and He thought I might be a bit skeptical?
I take "I won't " as a promise, a guarantee. I take "anything" to mean just that, ANYTHING! "I WON'T LAY ANYTHING!"
Heavy - of great weight; hard to lift or carry: of great amount, quantity, or size; of more than the usual or average weight: hard to bear; burdensome; harsh; oppressive:

Ill-Fitting - Not fitting well or correctly: Unsuitable or inappropriate: not the right size or shape
There are days, when everything, that is taking place in my life, fits one or all of those definitions! "Hard to bear." "Not fitting well." "Not the right size." Yet Jesus said, He would not give me them. So.... if Jesus promised not to give me anything heavy or ill-fitting then where does this junk come from?
The saying, "One man's junk is another mans treasure" comes to mind. So..... is that to say to me that my junk is God's treasure? God must be looking at something other than what I am. Because.................. Oh!
A prayer room visitor reminded me just this morning about Peter walking on the water. He took his eyes off Jesus and he began to get a lot wetter than he was a few moments before. And had it not been for Jesus, Peter would have become soaking wet and in serious trouble. I often see things that are out of my comfort zone. God comes and identifies Himself but I with my inquisitive way want to make sure it's really Him. Even though He said it was. In a few moments I conjure up what I think will satisfy my curiosity and before I can reconsider, I spew out my request. "Lord if it's You, command me to come to You on the water." So He said, "Come." My eyes now intently fixed on Him I get out of the boat and begin walking on a substance that I have no business walking on. It is incredible! Jesus did not intend for Peter or I to be ill-fitted in our circumstances. He enabled Peter to walk on the water and he enables me to walk without being heavy-laden and ill-fitted in the circumstance surrounding me. And might I just add that Peter is out there on His own accord. Am I heavy-laden and ill-fitted of my own accord.
Anyway, Jesus does not wait for Peter to go under and become desperate. He stretches out His hand and catches him. What did that look like? Was Peter paddling for dear life or did he respond to Jesus outstretched hand and grab on with all his might? If peter had "Come BACK to Him" would he have risen up out of the water and been able to continue his walk? Sorry it just comes out of me naturally.
I'll close with this. Jesus was in control of every detail. Have you every heard of anyone beginning to sink? I mean walking on the water is just one part of this. I am getting to experience the life of Peter. Peter was learning what I am learning..."the unforced rhythms of grace."

Thursday, September 6, 2007


Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."
Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.
Learn - acquire knowledge of or skill in by study, instruction, or experience: become informed of or acquainted with. "Come to Me, Get away with Me, I'll show you, Walk with Me, Work with Me, Watch how I do it."
Unforced - not brought about by coercion or force; not resulting from undue effort; not forced;
"Take a real rest, I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you."
Rhythms - Movement or variation characterized by the regular recurrence or alternation of different quantities or conditions: The pattern of development produced in a literary or dramatic work by repetition of elements such as words, phrases, incidents, themes, images, and symbols. Procedure or routine characterized by regularly recurring elements, activities, or factors: "Keep company with Me." Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever.
Grace - favor or good will. a manifestation of favor, mercy; clemency; pardon: an act of grace.
favor shown in granting a delay or temporary immunity. "Live freely and lightly."
I was about to go off and say that the words were incomplete because there is no indication of how hard it is to live these verse out every day. And then I was drawn to the words about four lines up. "Keep company with Me."
Keep - maintain (some action), in accordance with specific requirements, a promise, etc.: to keep watch; to keep step. to maintain in condition or order, as by care and labor: to cause to stay in a particular place; prevent or restrain from departure:
The specific requirements begin with "get away with Me." For how long and how often? KEEP!MAINTAIN! Stay in a particular place. prevent, restrain from departure. I know this, I think I understand it and I desire it.... don't I? Maybe so but, do I desire it bad enough? If I take inventory of my allotted twenty four hours in a day, I have no doubt that I keep company with some other things more than I do with Him. I don't know why but I guess I am concerned about people saying that I am so heavenly minded that I am no earthly good. I don't believe for one moment that keeping company with Him makes that so. In fact just the opposite. So why would I watch the same Mash episode that I've seen at least 30 times verses reading the word or praying? What are the odds of that program changing or even impacting my life when I wake the next morning?
Company - companionship; fellowship; association: united or incorporated for joint action.
Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. Unforced! The ball is in my court.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Matthew 11:29 Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest (relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls.
I can't resist going to the Message for a clearer picture. The first part of the verse tells us HOW we're going to learn, the second part tells us WHAT we're going to learn and the third part tells us WHEN. My tendency would be to skip the first and last parts and go for the WHAT. My thought would be that the HOW will work itself out as I pursue the WHAT. And as for the WHEN... well, the sooner I know WHAT, won't the WHEN come? But... I will resist my tendency and proceed as it is written.
Get away with me and you'll recover your life.
Leave this and that behind! What you think is your life is not the life I intended for you.
I'll show you how to take a real rest.
Something different than what you have been calling rest. No fake it til you make it rest!
Walk with me and work with me—
We'll walk for a time together and then we'll work for a time together. Walk.... and work.
watch how I do it.
I'll show you, we'll do it together, I'll show you again! We'll take our time.
On the job training. Fantastic! I am a hands-on learner so I should do well.
I see that this is not a quick visit to the local drive-thru. It's more of a sit down meal. I'll need to allot time for this to happen.
On Sunday Ann Marie wanted to get out of the house. I wasn't particularly feeling the same desire but knowing that we have been cleaning up some outstanding tasks every off day we've had, I thought it best to oblige her. My thought was a quick trip somewhere and then back home. But.... as we took off, something inside me told me that my quick trip idea would not be sufficient. Ann Marie was saying "Get away with me, let's recover some life." Let's do something different than what we have been doing because life is feeling heavy-laden and overburdened. I realized that I needed to make the day available and not just a couple hours. We took off and had a great time revisiting places that we had enjoyed in the past but have not been to for more than a year due to life. I decided we were in no hurry because we were together and that's what counted. My best friend and I recovering a portion of our life.
I get the feeling that I'll need more than the allotment of time I originally portioned out for this. Ann Marie said that she enjoyed the day very much. I want no less from my spiritual walk with Jesus.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


"Come to Me," "I will cause you" to rest! INACTIVITY after your EXERTION.
Come to Me is my exertion. and then rest/inactivity? But I'm not looking for inactivity I just want rest. In...act...ivity? No... I have things that I want to do rather than the things I'm doing now and I'm sure those things will make me rested.
I don't really think that inactivity is what everyone else has in mind either. Look at what we call a vacation. For many years it was how much could we pack into a day or a week of what we thought was fun filled activity yet when completed was exhausting and we needed a vacation after our vacation. Then how about what we call a day off? We mow the lawn, plant things, trim things, paint things, clean things, go places and do so many things that we hardly remember the days off by the time our head hits the pillow.
Fortunately Jesus speaks on in verse 29 and gives us a visual picture (of His day) and of what it looks like to come to Him.
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.]
Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest (relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls.
Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me................? Yoke? Isn't that what they put on those big animals....... oxen, to get them to work together? Sounds like more work, another thing requiring more of the time which I don't have enough of already.
Maybe this is a call to full time work in ministry? I can assure you that there is no more rest in full time ministry than there is elsewhere. Ministry people fill there schedules to overflowing just as quick as non-ministry workers. Don't believe me? Why is the divorce rate the same for Christians and non-Christians? Why are 78% of all pastors involved in pornography? Why have 87% of pk's (pastor's kids) experimented with drugs, alcohol and sex?
Remember that Jesus is speaking to people who have been overburdened and heavy laden with religious responsibilities and He is offering them an alternative. It is definitely time for a definition of the word yoke.
Yoke: something that couples or binds together; to join, couple, link, or unite; to be or become joined, linked, or united.
I'm not getting that Jesus is saying, come and do as you please and everything will be great. Anything that couples, binds together, links or is joined will have structure or some form and function to it. So Jesus must be saying that the structure, form and function, that I am offering you is different from that which you have now. On the surface it would make sense that being joined with Jesus would be easier than being joined with the priests, rabbis, scribes, and Pharisees. Four groups of people telling you what to do verses one. That's surface. Jesus is more substance than that, so we need to keep looking or as the verse says, "Take My yoke upon you and LEARN of Me."
You have to appreciate the way Jesus teaches. He never says anything just once and that's the case here. Usually for me the second and sometimes the third time He says it I get it. The second or third time for me offers a visual picture or more details and that satisfies my curiosity. Ouch!
He says "Come to Me all who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened and I will cause you to rest."
And for anyone who did not understand let Me say it again. "Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest (relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls.