Monday, August 6, 2007

Why Doesn't God Explain - Chapter 25

God... who lives in an eternal present.... does not "foresee" us doing things. He simply sees us doing them in that eternal present. Any time I try to judge God and what He did, does, or does not it will be tainted by the limitations of my life rules, my understanding, my view from below.
Maybe this will help? The word says, that Christ "was chosen before the creation of the world," which means before Adam and before the fall and thus before the need for redemption. It says that grace and eternal life were "given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time." How can anything occur before the beginning of time? For me, that means that there is another place. A place where time is not relevant and space is limitless. Before creation God made provision for what did not exist. When God, steps into the world He created, the limits of time and space which He created limit Him as well. Thus, Jesus had to live and die in this dimension, to bring redemption to this dimension, so that I could spend eternity in another dimension. You might need to read that again? God who encompasses all time is able to intersect with it past, present and future all at once. We or I, can only perceive the past and the future from where I am right now. Perhaps that's why so many times we are told in the word to consider the days of old, the past. It may be to get me to stop focusing so much on what I want God to do for me, because I am missing the significance of what He has already done?
The mystery of time? It appears to be the only answer to the question of God's unfairness. I can try all day to make sense of the circumstances that I see and make them seem logical but I am bound by the dimension of the world as I have experienced it, see it, and imagine it. That will never do when considering the God of a dimension which is higher than mine. He can see wider, deeper, longer, higher than I can even imagine with all my mind. I do not believe God has made or keeps me ignorant. All that He is was created in me. I do believe that Job saw God in a whole new light. New light!
It's like coming out of a dark room after hours of being there. I need time for my eyes to adjust to the light. I wear sun glasses when I'm out doors and the sun is shining because my eyes can not comprehend or handle the brightness of the light. That does not make me think that the sun is unfair.
As I close chapter 25, I am reminded of a story about a missionary who was going to the mission field. He was very excited and anxious to get there. He hired a guide and tribesmen to help get him and all his stuff there. And the sooner the better! They set off on what was to be a several day trip, but the very anxious missionary pushed the guide and the tribesmen very hard. They covered more ground than they had anticipated, yet the missionary wanted to keep going. The guide and the tribesmen needed rest and so reluctantly the missionary agreed to stop for the night. The next morning the missionary awoke very early and wanted to get a head start, but to his dismay the tribesmen would not move. Frustrated, the missionary went to the guide and asked him to find out why they would not move. The guide came back with this answer. "The men say, "they moved so fast yesterday that they now have to wait for their spirit to catch up."
Instead of asking the questions, maybe I need to let my spirit adjust to the new light. "Be still and know." My spirit catching up with my soul. That is another series in and of itself. I'll leave it for now by saying, "my soul has been taught, ministered to, trained, etc., etc., far more than my spirit." So....., I wear sun glasses so that I can function in the brightness of the SON!

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