Monday, August 27, 2007


Matthew 11:28 (Amplified Bible)
COME TO ME, all you who labor - Isn't that everyone? Don't we all labor over something? I guess we first must know what Jesus means by labor. Let's see, we can labor over work, labor as in stressing out over circumstances, labor as in trying to do it on our own, labor as in being anxious, labor for position, labor for power, labor for wealth, labor for relationships, physical labor, mental labor, child birth labor, just a few potential labors. Time for Webster to weigh in with the definition of labor.
Labor - productive activity, esp. for the sake of economic gain. Physical or mental work, esp. of a hard or fatiguing kind; toil. A job or task done or to be done. To perform labor; exert one's powers of body or mind; work; toil. To strive, as toward a goal; work hard: to labor for peace.
If I'm going to labor I want to be productive and I do want economic gain as well, so the first definition fits me well. And, I would prefer mental over physical labor, but not to hard or fatiguing in either case. Definition number two is not bad either. But... then this last line from Websters definition appears and takes me in whole different direction.

Labor - to act, behave, or function at a disadvantage. Acting, behaving, functioning at a disadvantage? Disadvantage?
If I am disadvantaged should I set my goals lower? Should I expect less from my labor? Does that mean that I have to work harder than some others? Should I accept my disadvantage and accept that my best is not as good as others? Am I a victim? Disadvantaged to me says that I do not have what everyone else has. Well maybe not everyone. With that being said, I want to know why? Why don't I have what everyone else has? I know... that sounds very judgemental or harsh but there are times when it comes down to those thoughts. Notice how quickly these types of things become all about possessions or more specifically fiances. Hey... can I be disadvantaged and still be blessed? STOP!!!! This has become a run away train. One small word like disadvantaged and I get all bent out of shape. What is that? Could it be pride? Is it a sense of entitlement? I so hope that it's not disappointment with God? Let's get Webster back for his take.
Disadvantaged - the state or an instance of being in an unfavorable circumstance or condition. Something that puts one in an unfavorable position or condition.
Okay, so being disadvantaged is not a personal attack on me by that definition. If there is a something that puts me in that unfavorable position then I can remove it. I can deal with whatever it is. I turn it into an advantage... right? So what is the "something?" that puts me in action or behavior that is at a disadvantage? Something tells me to get ready as the other shoe is about to drop?

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