Tuesday, August 7, 2007

IS GOD SILENT? - Chapter26

Well, this is attempt number two. As I was completing number one the computer just chose to reboot itself. Chapter 26 was too repetitive for me. It again asked the same question we've asked since chapter 1 and so I will not spend much time on it except to say that I think I am seeing a pattern. God speaks, the people hear but, do not obey and, God becomes silent. Later, God again speaks, the people hear, but, they do not obey, and God becomes silent.
God speaks to me, I hear Him, but sometimes... I do not obey.... and I find myself asking, "why is God silent?" If I am to be honest, there is a familiarity with that pattern in my life.
Chapter 26 does have a couple of insights that must be mentioned. Jesus while on the cross, quoted Psalm 22, not Psalm 23. James, Peter and Paul all tell us about "redeemed suffering." Therefore, "consider it pure joy... whenever you face trials of many kinds, writes James. "In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials." writes Peter. "We also rejoice in our sufferings." writes Paul. These New testament writers all came to believe that "all things work together for good." That does not mean only good things will happen to those that love God. In fact just the opposite. In the next paragraph Paul explains what "things" we might expect. Trouble, hardship, persecution, famine, nakedness, danger, sword, yet Paul insisted, "In all these things we are more than conquerors and that no amount of hardship could separate HIM nor us from the love of God.
A week or so ago I received what is called a prohetic word. It's called Good Plans and was given as follows. There is one line that stands out in this word. I think it may be the answer to questions of God being unfair, silent and hidden.
My children, I love it when you trust Me. It blesses Me when you embrace My plans and My instructions. I especially love it when you do this in times when I do not reveal all of the details to you. I may leave you with a lack of understanding many times to see if you will still trust Me. Because you know My character, you can trust me. You can always trust that I will never do or ask anything of you that will bring you harm. I love it when you just close your eyes, take my hand, and give Me an unreserved "Yes!" This so pleases me. You have nothing to fear, you can truly give Me all of you, for I am a good Father. As you proceed with Me in faith, you will truly see that all of My plans for you are indeed good.
I LOVE IT WHEN YOU JUST CLOSE YOUR EYES, TAKE MY HAND, AND GIVE ME AN UNANSWERED "YES!" I can see Job closing his eyes to the well-meaning friends around him, to the ashes he was sittiing in, to the sores that covered his body, and reaching out his hand toward the Father, simply speaking one word, "YES!"

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