Thursday, August 2, 2007

Why Doesn't God Explain - Chapter 25

Philip tells about what must be a very old film named Purple Rose of Cairo. Mia Farrow (I know, who's that) watches the hero of the movie play his assigned role and then incredibly, that hero steps out - literally - from the two dimensional movie screen and lands in a New Jersey theater. Suddenly he, this hero, is in the real world of the surprised character being played by Mia Farrow. This real world holds many surprises for the actor. Someone hits him with a fist, he dutifully falls down, as he has been taught to do on-screen, but rubs his chin with amazement - those blows aren't supposed to hurt! When he and Mia kiss, he pauses, waiting for the fadeout. And when someone tries to explain the concept of God - "He's the one in control of everything. He's what the whole world is about" - the actor nods, "Oh, you mean Mr. Mayer, the owner of the movie company." His perceptions are confined to the world of the movie. Then when the actor goes back into the movie world and tries to explain the real world the rest of the cast stare at him as if he belongs in a mental institution. I can relate to that! What the actor experienced cannot be put into words that those who have not experienced it can explain. I personally can try to imagine what jumping from an airplane (with a parachute of course) feels like, but the truth is I have not got a clue. It's experiential! No matter how hard people try to explain it to me all I can do is nod politely and presume or pretend to understand.
Job's questions, though being asked in his two-dimensional world were about the activity in the "higher" world, a world beyond his comprehension. Isaiah 55:9 says, "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts," This universe does not contain God. In order for God to create the universe He had to exist before it and outside of it. Yet.... He can and did step into the material world or what we call our real world for the purpose of giving us the ability to perceive Him. It's like me and this book. My perceptions are limited because I have not read the whole book. God knows the end from the beginning. I have no clue as to all that today will hold but God new it before this year even began let alone today.
SO... I GET THAT GOD IS BIG! But I take it that there is more since I haven't finished chapter 25 and the 5 remaining chapters.
A Matter of Time - There was a young lady named Bright, whose speed was much greater than light. So she set off one day, in a relative way, and returned on the previous night.
Philip writes that our/my perception of time serves to expose the vast difference between God's view from above and mine from within. Philip believes that many of the unanswered questions we have or the disappointments we have with God come from that misperception. Philip may be on to something here. God's view from above verses my view from within? GOD'S VIEW FROM ABOVE VERSES MY VIEW FROM WITHIN? God's tour of creation with Job verses Job sitting in ashes and covered with sores. Yep! There's a definite difference in those two perspectives. So... my perception of time is some part of my lack of ability to get any answers? Explain away Philip, I'm all ears!

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