As I was considering today's words, I once again became aware of a danger in doing word by word studies and taking every word as literal. It tends to make me an, all or nothing person. Black or white. No gray or middle. Yesterday, I said that the words were subjective, as if almost to say that, they couldn't be taken to seriously or as absolutes. I am not changing my statement as to them being subjective but I want to clarify what I believe they are subjective to.
Many denominations have been created due to subjective words written in the Bible. Once saved always saved, healing for everyone or a select few, prophets for today or days gone by, tongues or no tongues. Scholars have tossed these issues around since time began and have not been able to settle on any one interpretation. I am not looking to create a new denomination or anything like that. Not even another church which centers around my views. I do not do this blog for the purpose of swaying anyone to believe or follow my thoughts and words.
There is probably an official name or label for someone like me who believes that the word must be read, studied, and applied within the character and nature of God. I do sometimes forget this principle as you have read. I am not saying or supporting the idea that we make the word say what we want it to. But I am saying and fully support the idea that the word is personal and intimate to each individual. I understand there is a risk in my belief. But if I do, what I have been doing in trying to come up with one specific and perfect interpretation of a verse or thought it becomes a book of rules and regulations verses a book of love stories between God and me.
What does that look like? "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened." is not an either or, nor is it an absolute as I have been trying to make it. Those words spoken by Jesus are not a destination. They are the words or vehicle to take me on this portion of the journey. I may or may not experience heavy-laden and overburdened at one time or another on my journey. The important factor seems to be that I don't camp out when I get there. That I don't take up residence there and make that my permanent residence. It's the spirit of the words Jesus is speaking that I need to be discovering. Not the rules of engagement. The loving character and nature of the Father and the Son could only be, "Come to Me."
Subjectivity is to the character and nature of God alone. Not my whims. I get so into the study of the word that I miss the romance of the word. God is drawing me to relationship not form and function. I am going to an make an off-the cuff statment that I may have to amend or retrack once I have given it more thought but here goes. The Ten Commandments are form and function from the "loving" Father for us to live by and everything else is the spirit or intent of the "loving" Father. Okay,.... I didn't feel a bolt of lightening.
Trust me, relationship is the more difficult. Form and function has set guidelines. The boundaries are clearly marked. "Thou shalt not kill!" The consequences of crossing the boundaries are clearly defined. Spend life in prison. Live within the form and function and you will live outside the bars of a prison. Relationship is unpredictable! Especially when it comes to God. He is unpredictable in what , how, when, where. Yet, He is so predictable in who He is. We always know who He is. We always know that He is love. He can not be anything else.
So it is my opinion that we must read and study the word with His love as the spirit or intent of the words. Love says, "if or when you feel heavy-laden or overburden come to Me." When reading the word and looking for the spirit of it verses the form and function of it you become less judgemental of God and of people. The words are expanded. They become larger. They are not limited to my small "definitions" or understanding.
"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened..." This is like me saying to Ann Marie, "Darling, sweetheart, I see that you've had a hard day so come on over here." And the insinuation is that I have an alternative to you being heavy-laden and overburdened, your hard day is over.
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