Friday, August 31, 2007


Well I'm not retracting anything yet, as for it making sense... the thing about me doing a blog is not that it makes sense. It's just me, my thoughts, my morning time with God and whoever reads it if anyone, well they get what they get.
Matthew 11:28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.]
CAUSE you to rest! I will CAUSE YOU TO REST. Jesus will CAUSE Ed to rest. It will not be optional. Ed will not have to do another thing. JESUS will do the causing!
Cause - a person or thing that acts, happens, or exists in such a way that some specific thing happens as a result; the producer of an effect:
Rest - refreshing ease or inactivity after exertion or labor: relief or freedom, esp. from anything that wearies, troubles, or disturbs. a period or interval of inactivity, repose, solitude, or tranquillity: to go away for a rest. mental or spiritual calm.
Jesus says you do your part and "Come to Me." I will do my part and "Cause you to rest."
Webster's definition of cause lines up with Jesus. Jesus a person or thing acts, happens, or exists in such a way that something specific, like causing me to rest, happens as a result. Because of the way Jesus acts, or better yet, because of the way Jesus exists I am going to be or have a specific thing happen to and for me. I better read that again. One more time!
I am hoping that Jesus is going to detail or show me more about coming to Him, because I have been thinking that I was. But, based upon the lack of results as defined by Webster's definition of rest I may be off, which is what I was eluding to yesterday.
I determined yesterday to not think on any of the things I spoke of such as my amount of faith or the direction of my faith or, well you can read those things in yesterdays blog. Every time one of those things came up I purposed to put it out of my mind. The result was not rest. I found myself becoming agitated with the things of the day. I let some remarks slide off my tongue that made my dissatisfaction with things well known. So.... the result was that in the absence of my trying to evaluate my level of living up, I lived down. I am not saying that those are the only two choices. I'm simply saying what I said in the past that I tend to be all or nothing and that did not work for me yesterday. I'm seeing that God may not be saying that everything I have been doing is wrong, He may be saying it's time for some more maturity to come forth.
It is difficult for me to read the word and do something different if I think I'm already doing it. So God comes through a daily blog and causes me to look closer. It would probably be good for anyone reading this to know that a year ago God told me that I would have to forget and unlearn all that I thought I knew about business, church and relationships and even things about God Himself. While this has been difficult, challenging and the hardest thing I have ever done, it is also the most rewarding when I grasp just a crumb or morsel of the new.
God will not do what He has determined for me to do and I cannot do what God has determined for Him to do. "Come to Me!" "I will give you!" Inactivity after your exertion. Freedom from anything that wearies.

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