Thursday, August 30, 2007


Matthew 11:28" Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Jesus is speaking to the Jews who were suffering under the load of religious responsibilities that the priest, rabbis, scribes, and Pharisees had laid on them. I need to read this from the Message. Matthew 23:4-7 "Instead of giving you God's Law as food and drink by which you can banquet on God, they package it in bundles of rules, loading you down like pack animals.
Jesus says, "I will give you relief." "I will unpack and unload you of those bundles of rules." "I didn't make you a pack animal!"
Does it make a difference as to whom Jesus was speaking to, and the circumstances that caused Him to speak those words? Is it reasonable for me to think that I can take those words, and remove or replace religious responsibilities with my life responsibilities? Does it make a difference that what I labor for has nothing to do with religious rules. Does it matter if my heavy-laden and overburdened condition is caused by financial responsibilities verses religious responsibilities?
But..... as I consider those thoughts I wonder if it is possible that my labor is religious responsibilities and perhaps my heavy-laden and overburdened feelings are in all actuality from religious responsibilities. I do not spend near the amount of thought time about the financial responsibilities as I do about what... just... may... be... religious rules. I have been searching the word, looking at the men of God and comparing my words and deeds to theirs. Seeing how and when God showed up for them verses what happens when I do as nearly as I can see the same thing. Am I praying the way they prayed? Am I walking in faith the way they walked in faith? Have I been patient as long as they were patient? Am I looking for a standard to measure up to? I don't think it's about measuring up to, but perhaps, a more definitive picture as to what can I expect? Oh my gosh, I do not like the way that sounds!
My mind does constantly considering all these "things"! Much faith, or little faith, strong faith, or weak faith, words of life, or words of death, to much action, or to little action, right belief system, or wrong belief system, you have not because you ask not, or your Father knows what you have need of, love others as yourself, or dust the dust from your feet and move on, be a doer of the word, press in for the prize, or come to me I will give you rest, ask and you shall receive, or take no thought, speak to the mountain, or be still and know!
Praying correctly, speaking correctly, "getting it right" may have become my religious responsibilities.
I do not want to plead guilty to quickly, but it seems possible that this battle that's going on in my mind could be due to religious responsibilities. It may be possible that what I have been thinking is pure faith and total surrender, has been more than I want to admit, mixed with form and function. This past year has been a revelation as to how deceived I have been about true relationship with God. And now, just when I thought that I had improved so much, I am facing another hurdle. One that I thought I had gotten over.
Tomorrow I may retract all of this. There is also a good chance that it may not make any sense or have any value. It's one of those days where I'm wandering and I may have gone totally off the path. "God... please, be the center of my life today."

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