Friday, August 24, 2007


"Come to Me." I already mentioned that if I reject the invitation or command, then I am choosing to go somewhere else. I am trying to recall the word they use for someone who does the same thing over and over yet expects a different result. It's escaping me right now but I know that it's not complimentary.
Without even going farther into this verse I, as a believer, have an expectation or at least some hope that since it is Jesus asking or telling me to come, that it will be to my advantage. Right? I mean the word says that He knows the plans He has for me, plans not to harm me, plans to prosper me, etc., etc..
This week "tiredness" has been the common denominator of people visiting the Prayer Center. Tired of work. Tired of church. Tired of husbands. Tired of wives. Tired of kids. Even tired of being tired. One person jokingly spoke of knowing why they were so tired but that it was easier to pump themselves up verse correct the problem. So I made more double shot espresso drinks than usual this week. YET........... yet... it has been the slowest week in the prayer room since we started one year ago. Only one of my double shot visitors entered into the prayer room and pressed in for a period of time. It would appear that most declined the invitation or command to "Come to Me." They accepted the invitation of the world to continue on with life as usual, doing the same thing over and over and yet somehow hoping for a different result.
WHY DO I DO THAT? What is so enticing that I would rather "come to work" or "come to television" or "come to whatever" verse "Come to Me?" I would rather work longer or harder to meet my responsibilities rather than reduce my expenses and thus my responsibilities. I would rather watch a couple hours of admittedly so, mindless television to unwind verses sitting in silence or with some soft music and wait for the presence of God to show up. And that brings me back to the "one" thing I have been hearing from God for months. "BE STILL and KNOW."
So in closing....
Come! Enter into being or existence. To! Expressing aim, purpose or intention. Me! Jesus referring to Himself.
Be! Enter into being or existence. Still! Expressing aim, purpose or intention. Know! Jesus referring to Himself.
"Come" differently today in order to "BE" different tomorrow. I can not do what God has intended for Him to do and He will not do what He intended for me to do! "Come to Me" appears to be the part He intended for me to do.

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