Wednesday, August 15, 2007


When we first met Richard back in chapter 1 he was like an estranged lover in the early stages of separation and divorce, from God. Anger filled his eyes. Now five years later in chapter 30 he has mellowed. But, Richard has not put God completely out of his mind. Now the absence of God has made itself known. Even though Richard still feels betrayed and is still hurt, he brings up the subject of God without any prompting or leading from Philip.
I would be less than honest if I said that I have not ever considered whether there were possible options to God. I have not found one that guaranteed me any more "lasting" satisfaction than what I have in Him. But, we all know people that think they have found a better way and have tried to live out a Godless life. The ones I have talked to sound like Richard. Settling. Yes... that one word seems to describe their attitude. They have not found anything else so they are just settling in.
I did not get my faith in God because of a burning bush, or a voice from a whirlwind or any miraculous work. So what sense is there in looking for one to sustain my faith? I did not get my faith from the evidences for God through creation, nor the story of Jesus, and not even the hero's of faith listed in Hebrews. Again, what sense does it make to compare my life to those things now? My faith came one day when I came to the end of myself. On that day He was hidden from my sight but I could feel His presence. On that day He was silent but my spirit stirred. And as for unfair.... well... life is unfair. (DO NOT HEAR WHAT I DID NOT SAY. I AM NOT SUPPORTING THAT GOD AND LIFE ARE TWO SEPARATE THINGS) Asking me if God is unfair is like asking me if the glass is half empty or half full. The glass is always half full and thus God is always just. As we discussed in a previous chapter it's the difference in looking at a beam of light and looking along it. There is more to see looking along it. Where does it come from and where is it going?
Faith is experiential. It can not be sold or traded to someone who needs it. It can not be faked. Only the individual can bring faith to life and only the individual can kill it. Since faith is the substance of things not seen then the things seen should not influence it or take away from it. In the book of Job God risked His faith on Job and the response, that one man would display in the face of an adversary which came to take away his faith in God. God had faith that all the blessings that Job had were not the cause of his faith. Job had a personal, intimate relationship with God. Relationships are not always easy. Real relationships... REAL RELATIONSHIPS, endure anything and everything, they NEVER end.
Whether I view God as unfair, silent and hidden makes absolutely no difference. There is the only one real question for me to be asking and it's not of God. Jesus taught that the end of human history would boil down to one issue: "When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?" I have considered the evidence from many perspectives. Honestly....... I find that most of it suggest that God may not be trustworthy according to my understanding. BUT..... AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE WE WILL SERVE THE LORD! I have decided, yes with kicking and screaming all the way, to place my faith in God! My "real relationship" with God requires nothing less.

When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith in Ed?

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