Friday, August 31, 2007


Well I'm not retracting anything yet, as for it making sense... the thing about me doing a blog is not that it makes sense. It's just me, my thoughts, my morning time with God and whoever reads it if anyone, well they get what they get.
Matthew 11:28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.]
CAUSE you to rest! I will CAUSE YOU TO REST. Jesus will CAUSE Ed to rest. It will not be optional. Ed will not have to do another thing. JESUS will do the causing!
Cause - a person or thing that acts, happens, or exists in such a way that some specific thing happens as a result; the producer of an effect:
Rest - refreshing ease or inactivity after exertion or labor: relief or freedom, esp. from anything that wearies, troubles, or disturbs. a period or interval of inactivity, repose, solitude, or tranquillity: to go away for a rest. mental or spiritual calm.
Jesus says you do your part and "Come to Me." I will do my part and "Cause you to rest."
Webster's definition of cause lines up with Jesus. Jesus a person or thing acts, happens, or exists in such a way that something specific, like causing me to rest, happens as a result. Because of the way Jesus acts, or better yet, because of the way Jesus exists I am going to be or have a specific thing happen to and for me. I better read that again. One more time!
I am hoping that Jesus is going to detail or show me more about coming to Him, because I have been thinking that I was. But, based upon the lack of results as defined by Webster's definition of rest I may be off, which is what I was eluding to yesterday.
I determined yesterday to not think on any of the things I spoke of such as my amount of faith or the direction of my faith or, well you can read those things in yesterdays blog. Every time one of those things came up I purposed to put it out of my mind. The result was not rest. I found myself becoming agitated with the things of the day. I let some remarks slide off my tongue that made my dissatisfaction with things well known. So.... the result was that in the absence of my trying to evaluate my level of living up, I lived down. I am not saying that those are the only two choices. I'm simply saying what I said in the past that I tend to be all or nothing and that did not work for me yesterday. I'm seeing that God may not be saying that everything I have been doing is wrong, He may be saying it's time for some more maturity to come forth.
It is difficult for me to read the word and do something different if I think I'm already doing it. So God comes through a daily blog and causes me to look closer. It would probably be good for anyone reading this to know that a year ago God told me that I would have to forget and unlearn all that I thought I knew about business, church and relationships and even things about God Himself. While this has been difficult, challenging and the hardest thing I have ever done, it is also the most rewarding when I grasp just a crumb or morsel of the new.
God will not do what He has determined for me to do and I cannot do what God has determined for Him to do. "Come to Me!" "I will give you!" Inactivity after your exertion. Freedom from anything that wearies.

Thursday, August 30, 2007


Matthew 11:28" Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Jesus is speaking to the Jews who were suffering under the load of religious responsibilities that the priest, rabbis, scribes, and Pharisees had laid on them. I need to read this from the Message. Matthew 23:4-7 "Instead of giving you God's Law as food and drink by which you can banquet on God, they package it in bundles of rules, loading you down like pack animals.
Jesus says, "I will give you relief." "I will unpack and unload you of those bundles of rules." "I didn't make you a pack animal!"
Does it make a difference as to whom Jesus was speaking to, and the circumstances that caused Him to speak those words? Is it reasonable for me to think that I can take those words, and remove or replace religious responsibilities with my life responsibilities? Does it make a difference that what I labor for has nothing to do with religious rules. Does it matter if my heavy-laden and overburdened condition is caused by financial responsibilities verses religious responsibilities?
But..... as I consider those thoughts I wonder if it is possible that my labor is religious responsibilities and perhaps my heavy-laden and overburdened feelings are in all actuality from religious responsibilities. I do not spend near the amount of thought time about the financial responsibilities as I do about what... just... may... be... religious rules. I have been searching the word, looking at the men of God and comparing my words and deeds to theirs. Seeing how and when God showed up for them verses what happens when I do as nearly as I can see the same thing. Am I praying the way they prayed? Am I walking in faith the way they walked in faith? Have I been patient as long as they were patient? Am I looking for a standard to measure up to? I don't think it's about measuring up to, but perhaps, a more definitive picture as to what can I expect? Oh my gosh, I do not like the way that sounds!
My mind does constantly considering all these "things"! Much faith, or little faith, strong faith, or weak faith, words of life, or words of death, to much action, or to little action, right belief system, or wrong belief system, you have not because you ask not, or your Father knows what you have need of, love others as yourself, or dust the dust from your feet and move on, be a doer of the word, press in for the prize, or come to me I will give you rest, ask and you shall receive, or take no thought, speak to the mountain, or be still and know!
Praying correctly, speaking correctly, "getting it right" may have become my religious responsibilities.
I do not want to plead guilty to quickly, but it seems possible that this battle that's going on in my mind could be due to religious responsibilities. It may be possible that what I have been thinking is pure faith and total surrender, has been more than I want to admit, mixed with form and function. This past year has been a revelation as to how deceived I have been about true relationship with God. And now, just when I thought that I had improved so much, I am facing another hurdle. One that I thought I had gotten over.
Tomorrow I may retract all of this. There is also a good chance that it may not make any sense or have any value. It's one of those days where I'm wandering and I may have gone totally off the path. "God... please, be the center of my life today."

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


As I was considering today's words, I once again became aware of a danger in doing word by word studies and taking every word as literal. It tends to make me an, all or nothing person. Black or white. No gray or middle. Yesterday, I said that the words were subjective, as if almost to say that, they couldn't be taken to seriously or as absolutes. I am not changing my statement as to them being subjective but I want to clarify what I believe they are subjective to.
Many denominations have been created due to subjective words written in the Bible. Once saved always saved, healing for everyone or a select few, prophets for today or days gone by, tongues or no tongues. Scholars have tossed these issues around since time began and have not been able to settle on any one interpretation. I am not looking to create a new denomination or anything like that. Not even another church which centers around my views. I do not do this blog for the purpose of swaying anyone to believe or follow my thoughts and words.
There is probably an official name or label for someone like me who believes that the word must be read, studied, and applied within the character and nature of God. I do sometimes forget this principle as you have read. I am not saying or supporting the idea that we make the word say what we want it to. But I am saying and fully support the idea that the word is personal and intimate to each individual. I understand there is a risk in my belief. But if I do, what I have been doing in trying to come up with one specific and perfect interpretation of a verse or thought it becomes a book of rules and regulations verses a book of love stories between God and me.
What does that look like? "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened." is not an either or, nor is it an absolute as I have been trying to make it. Those words spoken by Jesus are not a destination. They are the words or vehicle to take me on this portion of the journey. I may or may not experience heavy-laden and overburdened at one time or another on my journey. The important factor seems to be that I don't camp out when I get there. That I don't take up residence there and make that my permanent residence. It's the spirit of the words Jesus is speaking that I need to be discovering. Not the rules of engagement. The loving character and nature of the Father and the Son could only be, "Come to Me."
Subjectivity is to the character and nature of God alone. Not my whims. I get so into the study of the word that I miss the romance of the word. God is drawing me to relationship not form and function. I am going to an make an off-the cuff statment that I may have to amend or retrack once I have given it more thought but here goes. The Ten Commandments are form and function from the "loving" Father for us to live by and everything else is the spirit or intent of the "loving" Father. Okay,.... I didn't feel a bolt of lightening.
Trust me, relationship is the more difficult. Form and function has set guidelines. The boundaries are clearly marked. "Thou shalt not kill!" The consequences of crossing the boundaries are clearly defined. Spend life in prison. Live within the form and function and you will live outside the bars of a prison. Relationship is unpredictable! Especially when it comes to God. He is unpredictable in what , how, when, where. Yet, He is so predictable in who He is. We always know who He is. We always know that He is love. He can not be anything else.
So it is my opinion that we must read and study the word with His love as the spirit or intent of the words. Love says, "if or when you feel heavy-laden or overburden come to Me." When reading the word and looking for the spirit of it verses the form and function of it you become less judgemental of God and of people. The words are expanded. They become larger. They are not limited to my small "definitions" or understanding.
"Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened..." This is like me saying to Ann Marie, "Darling, sweetheart, I see that you've had a hard day so come on over here." And the insinuation is that I have an alternative to you being heavy-laden and overburdened, your hard day is over.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Matthew 11:28 "COME TO ME, ALL YOU WHO LABOR and are heavy-laden and overburdened...
Heavy Laden? Overburdened? Is that me? Would others say that is me? WEBSTER!
Heavy - of great weight; hard to lift or carry: of great amount, quantity, or size; extremely large; massive: of great force, intensity, turbulence: of more than the usual or average weight: hard to bear; burdensome; harsh; oppressive: hard to cope with; trying; difficult:
Laden - To load oppressively;
Overburdened - heavily burdened with work or cares; "bowed down with troubles"; "found himself loaded down with responsibilities"; "weighed down with cares"
I think in order to answer whether those words describe me or not I must look at the flip-side of them. Off hand, I would think if your not heavy-laden, then your rejoicing? Yes, it's true, you could be somewhere in between and that may depend on the day or the hour, but, heavy laden seems to be the extreme in one direction, so I want to see the extreme in the opposite direction.
Rejoice - To feel joyful; be delighted: a feeling of great happiness: the utterance of sounds expressing great joy.
Unburdened - not burdened with difficulties or responsibilities; not encumbered with a physical burden or load
All this you realize is very subjective. Very subjective!
Subjective - existing in the mind; belonging to the thinking subject rather than to the object of thought: pertaining to or characteristic of an individual; personal; individual: placing excessive emphasis on one's own moods, attitudes, opinions: relating to or of the nature of an object as it is known in the mind as distinct from a thing in itself.
Subjective! Rejoice - To feel joyful. Can't say that what I am feeling is joyful. But I am thankful!Feeling of great happiness. Once again, can't say that I'm feeling great happiness. But I am thankful! The utterance of great sounds of joy? Three strikes and you're out? But hold on! I am very thankful for all that God has done whether it seems to have met my expectations or not. Thankfulness counts for something, doesn't it?
Subjective! Unburdened - Difficulties? Yes I have a few. But, I don't mind hard work and I know that there is a cost to everything. Responsibilities? I have just a few of them as well. But I am thankful!
More subjectivity but for me to make this determination I think that I need to look at my words and actions. What am I speaking? What am I doing? They count for something! Are my steps in faith, trusting, relying on and dependent on God? Am I speaking the problem or the promise, according to the word? I can't control my thoughts, but I can control the words and actions that come as a result of them.
Now that I've spent over two hours here and said all that, I realize that these are the words of one who still views "Come to Me, all who labor, and are heavy-laden, overburdened as an invitation. Like if I don't see myself as in labor or heavy-laden or overburdened then I'll take a pass. If the words in my bible jumped off the page to catch my attention, which can be assumed by the fact that this is part seven, then why not just "come?" Perhaps I don't want the stigma of being one who is in labor or heavy-laden or overburdened. Perhaps pride, deception, distraction? I know, I'll find someone who is all that and then I'll use the excuse of walking with them. Just kidding.
I am going to make the, yes... very subjective call, that in spite of all my logic and yes, even what appears to be some indications of the facts, that I am not heavy-laden or overburdened.
BUT..... I am going to "Come to Me" anyway.

Monday, August 27, 2007


Matthew 11:28 (Amplified Bible)
COME TO ME, all you who labor - Isn't that everyone? Don't we all labor over something? I guess we first must know what Jesus means by labor. Let's see, we can labor over work, labor as in stressing out over circumstances, labor as in trying to do it on our own, labor as in being anxious, labor for position, labor for power, labor for wealth, labor for relationships, physical labor, mental labor, child birth labor, just a few potential labors. Time for Webster to weigh in with the definition of labor.
Labor - productive activity, esp. for the sake of economic gain. Physical or mental work, esp. of a hard or fatiguing kind; toil. A job or task done or to be done. To perform labor; exert one's powers of body or mind; work; toil. To strive, as toward a goal; work hard: to labor for peace.
If I'm going to labor I want to be productive and I do want economic gain as well, so the first definition fits me well. And, I would prefer mental over physical labor, but not to hard or fatiguing in either case. Definition number two is not bad either. But... then this last line from Websters definition appears and takes me in whole different direction.

Labor - to act, behave, or function at a disadvantage. Acting, behaving, functioning at a disadvantage? Disadvantage?
If I am disadvantaged should I set my goals lower? Should I expect less from my labor? Does that mean that I have to work harder than some others? Should I accept my disadvantage and accept that my best is not as good as others? Am I a victim? Disadvantaged to me says that I do not have what everyone else has. Well maybe not everyone. With that being said, I want to know why? Why don't I have what everyone else has? I know... that sounds very judgemental or harsh but there are times when it comes down to those thoughts. Notice how quickly these types of things become all about possessions or more specifically fiances. Hey... can I be disadvantaged and still be blessed? STOP!!!! This has become a run away train. One small word like disadvantaged and I get all bent out of shape. What is that? Could it be pride? Is it a sense of entitlement? I so hope that it's not disappointment with God? Let's get Webster back for his take.
Disadvantaged - the state or an instance of being in an unfavorable circumstance or condition. Something that puts one in an unfavorable position or condition.
Okay, so being disadvantaged is not a personal attack on me by that definition. If there is a something that puts me in that unfavorable position then I can remove it. I can deal with whatever it is. I turn it into an advantage... right? So what is the "something?" that puts me in action or behavior that is at a disadvantage? Something tells me to get ready as the other shoe is about to drop?

Friday, August 24, 2007


"Come to Me." I already mentioned that if I reject the invitation or command, then I am choosing to go somewhere else. I am trying to recall the word they use for someone who does the same thing over and over yet expects a different result. It's escaping me right now but I know that it's not complimentary.
Without even going farther into this verse I, as a believer, have an expectation or at least some hope that since it is Jesus asking or telling me to come, that it will be to my advantage. Right? I mean the word says that He knows the plans He has for me, plans not to harm me, plans to prosper me, etc., etc..
This week "tiredness" has been the common denominator of people visiting the Prayer Center. Tired of work. Tired of church. Tired of husbands. Tired of wives. Tired of kids. Even tired of being tired. One person jokingly spoke of knowing why they were so tired but that it was easier to pump themselves up verse correct the problem. So I made more double shot espresso drinks than usual this week. YET........... yet... it has been the slowest week in the prayer room since we started one year ago. Only one of my double shot visitors entered into the prayer room and pressed in for a period of time. It would appear that most declined the invitation or command to "Come to Me." They accepted the invitation of the world to continue on with life as usual, doing the same thing over and over and yet somehow hoping for a different result.
WHY DO I DO THAT? What is so enticing that I would rather "come to work" or "come to television" or "come to whatever" verse "Come to Me?" I would rather work longer or harder to meet my responsibilities rather than reduce my expenses and thus my responsibilities. I would rather watch a couple hours of admittedly so, mindless television to unwind verses sitting in silence or with some soft music and wait for the presence of God to show up. And that brings me back to the "one" thing I have been hearing from God for months. "BE STILL and KNOW."
So in closing....
Come! Enter into being or existence. To! Expressing aim, purpose or intention. Me! Jesus referring to Himself.
Be! Enter into being or existence. Still! Expressing aim, purpose or intention. Know! Jesus referring to Himself.
"Come" differently today in order to "BE" different tomorrow. I can not do what God has intended for Him to do and He will not do what He intended for me to do! "Come to Me" appears to be the part He intended for me to do.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


"Come to Me" Yesterday in a conversation it happened. We were talking about these three words "coming to Me" and the person asked the question. Do you ever experience times when you're trying to come to Him and it seems that He is hidden or far away? Not even a week after finishing an exhaustive look at those very thoughts. Of course I sent them to the blogs of the past month as I was/am having no part of those questions again. At least not this soon! All I could say was yes, yes I have experienced those thoughts.
All I can tell anyone going through that place is "Press in." Be persistent. Regardless of what we think is silence, it comes down to, we must KNOW. He said.... no He promised that He would never leave me or forsake me.
Ann Marie is my wife of 35 years and my best friend of 38 years. We are close in every way. We do most everything together. There is no one I would rather be with, whether we're doing something or absolutely nothing. Yet.... there are times when I want her to be closer. I 'll even ask her to hold me. I mean squeeze me so tight that we just become one. What I want is, to "know." But the best holding and squeezing she can do is really never enough. One body cannot absorb another. This week she is out of town so the holding and squeezing are not possible. But if I get real still.... I mean real still. I "KNOW." I can not see her or hear her but I "know." "Know what? That she is here!
God is my Father of over 45 years and that's according to my recollection. God inhabits my praise. God placed His spirit within me. Jesus death and Resurrection was so that His spirit could come. Come and dwell within me. Why? So that in times when I need Him the most, when I need to be held close, close on a bigger scale that Ann Marie and I exist in, I can "KNOW." So that when He seems silent I can "KNOW." When Jesus spoke, "Come to Me" He was not asking me to play a game of play hide-n-seek. He was saying "Come to Me" and feel the warmth of My embrace. "Come to Me," and "Know that I am here!"
Every now and then I like to use the Message translation. This is one of those times because it fits me. It's where I was a year ago when I went to IHOP in Kansas City. IHOP is a place where they do prayer as worship 24 hours a day seven days a week and 365 days a year. Read the first part of the verse and I'll explain.
28 "Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me.
I was tired! In fact worn out, burned out puts it mildly. BUT..... it was not tired of God or worn out because of God or burned out on God. Religion, ministry, organized traditional church gets the credit. I was addicted to the illusions of ministry. DO NOT HEAR WHAT I AM NOT SAYING! This was my state of being. In the midst of my tiredness God was revealing much. My intimate times with Him were the best, that is until time became an issue. Uncountable numbers of hours spent doing. Complete abandonment for the ministry, for my church, for my employer for what I thought was all God. I must caution myself and any readers that, while hindsight can seem to be useful it is more often harmful. To often we began to look in hindsight and devalue what God did during those times because we now have a new revelation of how to live for God. The only times I regret in hindsight are those where I clearly heard God saying, "Come to Me" and I chose not to accept what I thought was just an invitation.
Maybe it's my age, but today I am realizing that time is to short, to not accept any invitation from God.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


The implications of Matthew 11:28-29 are that it should be or could be easier. The "it" is our life in Christ. And admittedly, easier is being defined under my terms.
"Come to Me" We briefly looked at "Me" and "To." Over and over I see words, two letter words, that I take for granted because they are just two letter words. To much Scrabble I guess. Although a two letter word played on the right spaces can count for a lot of points. This use of "Me" and "To" appears to be one of those cases where they count for a lot of points.
Webster gives many perspectives of the word come, but I have selected just one. Come: to enter into being or existence; be born: Jesus is saying, "Enter into being," "Come into existence," "Be born." Let's look more closely at the implications of those three invitations and I'm not sure invitations is the right word? There could be the case made for them to be taken as commands and not an invitation.
Enter into being! This goes along with other things God has been sharing with me. Notice it does not say, "enter into doing." For me the opposite of being is doing? I can't just not be... so I do. Jesus, is saying that I must enter, like entering my home at the end of the day. Enter into is more than one foot in the door. I must take my whole self through the door and into my home, closing the door behind me. Enter into being. Once I am into my home I can be... comfortable, relaxed, fed, etc.. As we look at the rest of the words in these verses we will see what being actually looks like as Jesus is talking about.
Come into existence! the opposite of existence is nonexistence. If I do not come into the existence that Jesus has in mind then I will live on the outside in a world of nonexistence. The idea of coming into anything says to me that I will be leaving behind something else. Jesus says that if you really want to exist then leave behind your nonexistence for what is sure to be better. Come into life? Come into life and leave death?
Be born. The idea is that we leave the birth canal and enter into life outside of the womb. And while not spoken the insinuation is that as we are born God is there to care for us as a new born. Again I'm sure we'll get a better picture of this as we get beyond these first three words, "Come to Me."
As for invitation or command..... well you can make the call on that for yourself.
Invitation: something offered as a suggestion
Command: to direct with specific authority or prerogative
The end results of these words "Come to Me," that Jesus spoke, will vary greatly based on whether I view His words as an invitation, something that I can accept or reject, or a command which then makes rejection, disobedience or more simply sin?

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


We're looking at Matthew 11:28-29. We started with the first line, "Come to Me," but with the last word "Me" and are working backwards. Honestly if we were to just study the "Me" and really get a grasp on it we would not need to go any further. I say that to document for readers that I in no way believe for one moment that I did "Me" justice in the few words that I wrote yesterday. To do the "Me" justice I would write of nothing else for the rest of my life.
"Come to Me" The word for today is "to." Webster says, (used for expressing aim, purpose, or intention) Remember we're working backwards, so the expressed aim, purpose or intention here is toward the "Me." It is not random, accidental, or unintentional. or should I say, "It's not supposed to be , but often can be or is?"
My mind has this thing for complicating things. It occurs to me that ones ability must be considered when taking aim, that there are degrees of purpose and types of intentions.
Consider for a moment a person who is given a bow and arrow for the first time and then told to take aim at the target and hit the bulls eye. Then consider a person who has had some lessons on how to use that same bow and arrow. They now stand side by side and are presented with the challenge of aiming at the center of the target and hitting it with their arrow. One has a small amount of ability and the other... well they have improved their ability. Another element is what we are aiming at. For me the target is not the same as it was a year ago. I am taking aim on something totally different than in days, months and years gone by. The "Me" has become my very precise target. 2 Corinthians 5:9 Therefore we make it our aim, whether present or absent, to be well pleasing to Him.
I can think of many people who have great focus or purpose in many or all areas of life. Then I can think of people who live life randomly. I have two kids and at one time to a large degree both have been very purposed in what they wanted out of life and where they were going. Recently they both have taken some very random steps away from all that they had purposed to accomplish in previous years. What happened to their purpose? Perhaps what we purpose in life is to small to capture our attention and effort. My purpose has not changed but it is narrowing down, becoming very precise. Proverbs 19:21 Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.
Intentions..... intentions are not enough. We can do something with the best intentions and fail miserably. I can tell someone something for their own good or the with the best intentions and yet wound them deeply. I have intended to seek the Lord with all my heart, mind and soul but have missed Him on many occasions. My intentions dwell deep within me and it requires time and great effort to discover my true intentions. This is the area that is easiest for me to be deceived. Proverbs 12:2 A good man obtains favor from the LORD, But a man of wicked intentions He will condemn. Favor sounds a lot better!
All three words, aim, purpose, intentions are not definitive as to what they look like, but, there is one commonality. They all move us in a direction and that is the point of the "To" in this verse. Movement towards the "Me." My aim may be off and I may miss the mark but with practice I will get better. My purpose may be flawed but the closer I get to "Me" that will be corrected. And as for my intentions.... well "Me" knows everyone of them better than I do myself. Romans 8:28 We are assured and know that [ God being a partner in my labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for me who loves God and is called according to [His] design and purpose.
That says to me that, my aim may be off but He is patient and shows me mercy. It says that, my purpose may be misguided but He will redirect me and give me grace. It tells me that, my intentions may be flawed but He forgives me.

Monday, August 20, 2007


I have spent much time in Philip Yancey's book Disappointment with God. While there was some scripture, it was not predominate in my estimation. I shared many times how the book caused me more question than it gave answers. And in the end I arrived at the same place previous searches have taken me. Today I go to the word and some verses that I have studied before. I will also get assistance from Websters Dictionary. Hebrews 5:11 says, "but it is hard to explain because you are slow to learn." He could have been talking about me?
The basic premise for my journey is clear and simple........ so I think for right now. Here goes....
Out of a REVELATION of the RELATIONSHIP of God as Father, I will apply a correct RESPONSE. I don't really think apply is the perfect word. Perhaps, know, have, understand, walk-in.... not sure which fits best. I do know that, I believe, I will be more likely, more susceptible to both will and do His good work. So translate that into any word that fits.
Matthew 11:28-29 are verses that describe relationship. they also describe the practical application for getting a revelation of the relationship, which directs us to a correct response in this life.

“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.] Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest ([relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls." Matthew 11:28-29 (AMP)
Let's examine the words of these verses. "Come to Me"
Come: enter into being or existence; be born:
To: (used for expressing aim, purpose, or intention):
Me: the nominative singular pronoun, used by a speaker in referring to himself or herself.
The word "come" and it's definition presents a world of vast differences among people. I think that in order to get the meaning of these three words you have to start with the last word and work backwards. After all "Me" here, is the focus or central thought of these first three words.
"ME." In this case the "ME" is God. Job thought he knew God but came to find out that He was mistaken. Then Job answered the LORD and said: “I know that You can do everything, And that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You. You asked, ‘Who is this who hides counsel without knowledge?’ Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand, Things too wonderful for me, which I did not know. Listen, please, and let me speak; You said, ‘I will question you, and you shall answer Me.’ “I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear, But now my eye sees You. Therefore I abhor myself, And repent in dust and ashes.”
That's why my journey is not about finding ministry or fulfilling my passion or what great thing I could do for mankind on behalf of God. I have heard of God by the hearing of my ear, but now my eye sees God. I am learning to hold everything accountable to that purpose. God is not just another acquaintance or stranger I pass by on the street. I love the idea that God is my Friend, my Daddy, but I never want this casual way of addressing God to dull my senses as to His Majesty.
When Jesus teaches the disciples how to pray He says, "When you pray, pray like this, Our Father Who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name." There are times when my casual greeting and conversation with God is appropriate but to accomplish what this verse is describing to me.... well I think it will take a more than "Hey God, how ya doing."
When considering the "Me" there can be no question. God is absolutely clear.
Isaiah 66:2 Says the LORD. “ But on this one will I look: On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, And who trembles at My word.
No explanation or definition needed.
Psalm 25:9 He leads the humble in what is right, and the humble He teaches His way.
Since humility is rare in today's society I will give Webster's definition of humble.
Humble: Marked by meekness or modesty in behavior, attitude, or spirit; not arrogant or prideful. Showing deferential or submissive respect:

Friday, August 17, 2007


Yesterday the story was about the loss of a father, so today's story is about the discovery of a father. Both stories are true.
This story is about a man who was visiting his mother who lived 700 miles away. As they reminisced about the past, the old photo box was brought out of the closet and a jumbled pile of pictures was spilled out on a table. Among the many photos was an infant picture, with the mans name on the back. The photo was crumbled and mangled, as if one of the childhood pets had gotten to it. The man asked his mother why she had hung onto such an abused photo when she had so many undamaged ones.
The mother explained that when she was ten months old her father contracted spinal bulbar polio and died three months after. At the age of 24 her father was totally paralyzed and he had to live inside a large steel cylinder that actually did his breathing for him. She shared that the one visitor who came faithfully was her mother and she would sit in a particular place so that he could see her in a mirror bolted to the bed. She went on to explain that during her fathers illness that photo was fastened to the iron lung. It had been jammed between some metal knobs and thus the condition of the picture.
The man shares how odd it seemed, that someone would care about someone, when in a sense, he had never met them. The mother went on to say that, during the last months of her fathers life he would spend all his waking hours staring at the picture. There was nothing else for him to do, the picture was the only thing in his line of sight. How else could a paralyzed father express love, especially when those that he loved, his infant daughter was banned from the hospital room? The mother shares that she often thinks of the crumpled photo, for it is the one link connecting her to the stranger who was her father.
Philip uses this story because it is his mother who has no memory of her father, no sensory knowledge of someone who spent all day, everyday thinking of her, loving her with everything. Her father looked at the picture of her as an infant, full of love and pride, and yet, she had no idea that he was watching over her.
Consider this... My Father, your Father full of love, pride, and care looking at us all day, everyday, and yet we have no idea that he is watching us so intently.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Chapter 30 and the book ends with two stories, both of them true. One for today and one for Friday.
Story number one is about a boy of twelve or thirteen who, in a fit of crazy anger and depression, got hold of a gun somewhere and fired it at his father, who died not right away but soon afterward. When the authorities asked the boy why he had done it, he said it was because he could not stand his father, because his father demanded too much of him, because he was always after him, because he hated his father. Then later after the boy had been placed in a house of detention, a guard was walking down the corridor late one night when he heard sounds from the boy's room, and he stopped to listen. The words he heard the boy sobbing out in the dark were, "I want my father, I want my father."!
Modern society is like that boy in the house of detention. We have killed off our Father. Two many unanswered questions, too often disappointed. It is difficult to live with uncertainty. And yet we can hear the sobs, "I want my father, I want my father."!
"The center of me," said Bertrand Russell, "is always and eternally a terrible pain - a curious wild pain - a searching for something beyond what the world contains." It seems that the alternative to disappointment with God is disappointment without God.
"Have you not heard of the man who lit a lamp on a bright morning and went to the marketplace crying ceaselessly, 'I seek God. I seek God'... They laughed, and... the man sprang into their midst and looked daggers at them. 'Where is God?' he cried. 'I will tell you. We have killed Him, you and I.' We are all His killers, but how can we have done that? How could we swallow up the sea? Who gave us the sponge to wipe away the horizon? What will we do as the earth is set loose from the sun?" Friedrich Nietzsche, The Gay Science
This first story concerns the loss of a father. Many declare that they do not believe in God just as Richard did. But from where then does the wounded sense of betrayal come from if no one is there to do the betraying?
As I cry out to my Father, what am I sobbing? Why me God? When will You answer me God? How are You going to fix this God? or "I want my Father, I want My Father!"

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


When we first met Richard back in chapter 1 he was like an estranged lover in the early stages of separation and divorce, from God. Anger filled his eyes. Now five years later in chapter 30 he has mellowed. But, Richard has not put God completely out of his mind. Now the absence of God has made itself known. Even though Richard still feels betrayed and is still hurt, he brings up the subject of God without any prompting or leading from Philip.
I would be less than honest if I said that I have not ever considered whether there were possible options to God. I have not found one that guaranteed me any more "lasting" satisfaction than what I have in Him. But, we all know people that think they have found a better way and have tried to live out a Godless life. The ones I have talked to sound like Richard. Settling. Yes... that one word seems to describe their attitude. They have not found anything else so they are just settling in.
I did not get my faith in God because of a burning bush, or a voice from a whirlwind or any miraculous work. So what sense is there in looking for one to sustain my faith? I did not get my faith from the evidences for God through creation, nor the story of Jesus, and not even the hero's of faith listed in Hebrews. Again, what sense does it make to compare my life to those things now? My faith came one day when I came to the end of myself. On that day He was hidden from my sight but I could feel His presence. On that day He was silent but my spirit stirred. And as for unfair.... well... life is unfair. (DO NOT HEAR WHAT I DID NOT SAY. I AM NOT SUPPORTING THAT GOD AND LIFE ARE TWO SEPARATE THINGS) Asking me if God is unfair is like asking me if the glass is half empty or half full. The glass is always half full and thus God is always just. As we discussed in a previous chapter it's the difference in looking at a beam of light and looking along it. There is more to see looking along it. Where does it come from and where is it going?
Faith is experiential. It can not be sold or traded to someone who needs it. It can not be faked. Only the individual can bring faith to life and only the individual can kill it. Since faith is the substance of things not seen then the things seen should not influence it or take away from it. In the book of Job God risked His faith on Job and the response, that one man would display in the face of an adversary which came to take away his faith in God. God had faith that all the blessings that Job had were not the cause of his faith. Job had a personal, intimate relationship with God. Relationships are not always easy. Real relationships... REAL RELATIONSHIPS, endure anything and everything, they NEVER end.
Whether I view God as unfair, silent and hidden makes absolutely no difference. There is the only one real question for me to be asking and it's not of God. Jesus taught that the end of human history would boil down to one issue: "When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth?" I have considered the evidence from many perspectives. Honestly....... I find that most of it suggest that God may not be trustworthy according to my understanding. BUT..... AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE WE WILL SERVE THE LORD! I have decided, yes with kicking and screaming all the way, to place my faith in God! My "real relationship" with God requires nothing less.

When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith in Ed?

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Charles Williams said, "Our experience on earth makes it difficult for us to apprehend a good without a catch in it somewhere." We all know that nothing is free right? Wether right or wrong, some people feel like God has strings attached to His promises. It could be viewed that the "catch" to eternity is life on earth.
It may be, no... it probably is just me, but... it is harder for me to envision myself in the future, which I really don't comprehend, verses spending my time recalling unfulfilled dreams, and disappointments. I don't have to work at the unfulfilled dreams they just show up. I don't have to muster up dsiappointment. It shows up all on its own and whenever it wants.
For people who are trapped in pain, or in a broken home, or in financial despair, or in agonizing fear - for all those people, for all of us who have been there at one time or another, heaven is the promise of a time , way beyond and more substantial than the time we will spend on this earth. Health, wholeness, pleasure, and peace will all be experienced the way God intended. But there are many who can not or will not accept heaven as the equalizer, and for them.... well as Paul put it... "there is little reason to believe at all."
What we feel now, we will not feel forever. Disappointment is itself a sign, an aching, a hunger for something else, something better. And at this point as much as I wish there was more or another answer, I can only agree with Philip when he says, "Faith is, in the end, the answer to our longings. Faith is the longing to return home, to a home that we have never visited.
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
T.S. Eliot
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, "Now the dwelling of God is with men, and He will live with them. They will be His people, and God Himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.
Faith forces us to accept what is often referred to as "pie in the sky." This earth, and all it's unanswered questions is simply the road to a final destination. It is not meant for us to get caught up here. We "break down" so to speak and end up feeling stranded in a place we never intended to be other than to just pass through on our way to somewhere more glorious. For me personally Lincoln Nebraska is such a place. Many years ago the motor in our car blew up in Lincoln Nebraska and we were stranded there for what seemed like a life time. We lived in a "pop-up-camper", in the "summer" in what was "called" a camper park. I will never willingly plan a trip that takes me through Lincoln Nebraska. I knew that Lincoln Nebraska would not last forever but it sure felt like it would at the moment. Today I do not remember the specifics of Lincoln Nebraska, only that I do not want to go back and do it again. If thirty years on this earth, removes the specifics of the suffering, pain, and financial stress that we experienced in Lincoln Nebraska, what will eternity do for my recollections of life here on earth?
"PIE IN THE SKY?" I sure hope I can get vanilla ice cream to go with my pie?

Monday, August 13, 2007


Restored fortune? 14,000 sheep, 6000, camels, 1000 donkeys and 10 new children! All that and more! But, can 10 new children replace the 10 that that died? Was all that pain and suffering erased by the "new"? Was life ever the same for Job?

Job says, "Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things to wonderful for me to know... My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes." Apparently God's non-answer sufficed for Job. Don't jump to the conclusion that Job was satisfied because God restored all that Job had lost. Job spoke those words prior to God doing any of that. Think about it... if Job got to that place because of what God had done, then Satan would have ultimately won his argument.

Job's battle ended the real battle. Satan and God wagered on why Job was the most righteous man on earth and what he would do if he lost everything. Job refused to give up on God and thus won the battle of the universe. Once Job won the battle God says, "Pain? I can fix that easily. More children? Camels and oxen? No problem. Job I want you happy and wealthy and full of life! But, Job, you must understand that something far more important than happiness was at stake here." There's that higher view, another dimension lingo.

What does Richard say about Job's restoration? "Good for him. Job got a personal appearance by God and that's all I'm asking for." But no God visit for Richard, nor for thousands of others. So has my faith been contingent upon a miraculous resolution? Is my loyalty to God contingent upon whether He reveals Himself in my seen world?

Stories like Job's are few in the Bible. In fact the men of faith listed in Hebrews 11 responded to God's hiddenness by going ahead and believing in spite of not seeing. Few saints encountered anything like the dramatic encounter between God and Job. Paul said this. "Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary (!) troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all, So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."

If all my faith is dependent upon a miracle I had best be prepared for a life of disappointment. I could have written everyday about miracles that Ann Marie and I have seen and experienced personally. Yet........... For some reason those miracles have not been enough to remove all the questions. And I doubt that recalling them would do more than the actual experience did. We treat the miraculous like the ultimate destination. Miracles are simply signs that point us toward the destination. Miraculous works have not and never will make us more faithful or trusting of God.

Miracles are appetizers that awaken a longing for something more, something more permanent.

Nothing in this life can account for Meg Woodson's grief in losing her two children. But at the end of this life, Meg's grief will vanish as she spends eternity with Peggie and Joey.

If I cannot believe that, then abandoning the Christian life, will seem like a viable option. "If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all men."

Friday, August 10, 2007

IS GOD HIDDEN - Chapter 28

Before we leave chapter 28 and what I hope is the last time we examine the question regarding God being hidden, we are led to another Biblical man of God, who makes the very same point as Job but in a very different way.
The prophet Daniel was just as puzzled over an everyday problem of unanswered prayer. For 21 days Daniel gave himself to praying. Along with 21 days of prayer he also gave up food. No meat and no wine and he used no lotions on his body. With every cry there came no reply, no answer. Then one day a spiritual being, with eyes like flaming torches and a face like lightening, shows up right beside him. What was Daniels response? "I had no strength left. My face turned deathly pale and I was helpless." And when he tried talking to the being, he could hardly breath.
The supernatural being explained. "He had been sent to answer Daniel's first prayer, but was detained by strong resistance from the prince of the Persian kingdom." Now, after three weeks, reinforcements had arrived and Michael, one of the chief angels, helped him break through the opposition.
I can not imagine this scene nor what I would have been thinking if it had been me. But from a distance at first glance, this is what I, rightly or wrongly, perceive. Daniel was on the short end of the stick because of a battle that didn't directly involve him. Was there a shortage of angels that God could not have sent another one? Aren't the angels trained well enough to win the battles? Just playing! To Daniel, with his limited perspective, prayer seemed futile. But, after the supernatural being brings some details, a broader perspective, a higher view, we are forced to accept the fact the we live life, with the whole universe as a backdrop, which includes much activity that we never see. Faith that God has not and would not abandon us is required no matter how distant and silent God seems to us.
God is like a person who clears his throat while hiding and so gives himself away. Meister Eckhardt

Thursday, August 9, 2007

IS GOD HIDDEN - Chapter 28

The end is near, the end is near! Chapter 28 of 30. If you read the 35 in between chapters of Job carefully you will find that they are not filled with grumbling and complaining. They are filled from beginning to end with only one thing. Where is God! Job is crying out to God he's getting no response!
C.S. Lewis wrote these words in the midst of deep grief after his wife's death from cancer. Meanwhile, where is God? This is one of the most disquieting symptoms. When you are happy, so happy that you have no sense of needing Him... you will be - or so it feels - welcomed with open arms. But go to Him when your need is desperate, when all other help is vain, and what do you find? A door slammed in your face, and a sound of bolting and double bolting on the inside. After that, silence. You may as well turn away. The longer you wait, the more emphatic the silence will become! That's right, C.S.LEWIS!
Human longing for the actual presence of God may rise up anywhere and anytime. So I have learned to be cautious when sharing about the promise of God's intimate presence because they to must take into account the times when He seems to be absent and silent.
Philip shares about a bumper sticker that says, "If you feel far from God, guess who moved?" There is a boat load of false guilt in that bumper sticker. I have not always recognized that in the past. Some of the, what somebody thought were cute sayings, are anything but. Job, Richard, Meg, Philip, Ed all offer up a valid response not symptoms of weak faith. The Bible seems to anticipate our disappointments. Perhaps that's because God Himself understands the cost of sustaining faith.
What will our response be to what seems to be His hiddenness? Many retaliate by ignoring Him. If He won't reveal Himself to me, why should I go to Him? That was Job's wife. Others like Job's friends will try to convince you that you have done something wrong. The choice is clear for them. Believe a man who claims to be just or a God they knew to be just. And then there is Job's response. You demand a meeting with god. Job wavered, contradicted himself, backtracked and sometimes collapsed in despair.
Chapter 28 brings some valuable insights. Job was far from being abandon by God. In fact, Job was getting very direct attention from him. Go back to the beginning and read the first two chapters of Job. Who is Satan talking to? And who mentions Job's name? Who sets the limits as to what can be done to job? Job is pleading for a courtroom trial to present his case and in all actuality he is participating in a universal or cosmic trial. This trial is going to settle an issue much bigger than that of one man. Job could not see it. Pain and suffering narrows our vision. It forces us to think of ourselves and little else.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


Philip shares all this with Richard and when he's done Richard says, "There is one big difference between Job's story and mine. For all his troubles, Job finally did receive a word from God. Supposedly, he heard an actual voice out of a whirlwind. But for me, God stayed silent. And I guess that's why Job chose to believe, and I chose not to." He does make a very good point on the surface but what lasting effect did that have on mankind?
Chapter 27 like chapter 26 just rehashes the same question with different illustrations and other perspectives. Philip talks about a beam of light and the difference between looking at it and along it. He discusses "reductionism" which is to take a powerful force and reduce it to nothing by examining it from top to bottom and inside out. Transposition takes up many of the pages, but for me the pages withing chapter 27 presented nothing new or convincing. So I thought.
It may be that I have resolved myself to the reality of only one answer. God is God and I am not. But... within those words, lies a belief that, yes, He is God and I am not but I am His child and He loves me as His own. I do not understand why, or what, or the when other than to know His love for me. While growing up love was expressed to me through provisions. Our household was not filled with words like I love you. If you spent any amount of time in our home you would have quickly picked up on the lack of love as we think of it, or dream of it. Having a home to go to, food to eat, clothes to wear, those things were designated as signs of love. My home -while unpurposed - has enabled me to believe that God loves me even while He seems silent. I do not need people (people being the general population) to tell me that they love me. In fact I'd rather they didn't because I often don't believe them anyway. I don't intend to imply that my take is correct, it comes from the experiences of my home and life. The fact that God does not speak in audible words to me everyday does not make me think He doesn't love me. But there in lies the problem. When God does not provide what I view as my needs then.... yes then,,, I wonder not so much as to wether He loves me or not but most definately, what have I done wrong?
I mentioned that chapter 27 talked about reductionism. We'll it appears that I sometimes reduce God down to the simple position of a provider. AND.......! HE IS MY PROVIDER! He does shelter me under the shadow of His wing. He feeds me and clothes me. But those things are not the end of my requests. What about the job I want? What about the annual income I deserve? God, Jehovah provider, sometimes takes precedence over God, lover of my soul.
My life story influences that all to often. My parents were often silent. As their differences drove them to silence with each other it spilled over to me as a child. Hidden was literally determined by 3 to 6 month separations where they would try and work out their differences in different residences. Unfair? Not really, surely there were worse families than mine. Love was never spoken, it was understood.
The danger of accepting that God's love is understood is that you will miss the depth of his love. Love that is just understood comes with no expectations. That way there is no disappointment. I was not disappointed with my parents. I know they loved me. I am not disappointed with God. I know He loves me. BUT..... my parents are gone and so I can never know the depth of their love. My journey today centers around knowing the depth of God's love for me. Love that is just understood was okay for them but it is unacceptable now. Love determined by the provisions of life was all I had then. But there is so much more available to me today. I am looking for the fullness of God not some reduced version that I have conjured up so that I can find life/God acceptable.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

IS GOD SILENT? - Chapter26

Well, this is attempt number two. As I was completing number one the computer just chose to reboot itself. Chapter 26 was too repetitive for me. It again asked the same question we've asked since chapter 1 and so I will not spend much time on it except to say that I think I am seeing a pattern. God speaks, the people hear but, do not obey and, God becomes silent. Later, God again speaks, the people hear, but, they do not obey, and God becomes silent.
God speaks to me, I hear Him, but sometimes... I do not obey.... and I find myself asking, "why is God silent?" If I am to be honest, there is a familiarity with that pattern in my life.
Chapter 26 does have a couple of insights that must be mentioned. Jesus while on the cross, quoted Psalm 22, not Psalm 23. James, Peter and Paul all tell us about "redeemed suffering." Therefore, "consider it pure joy... whenever you face trials of many kinds, writes James. "In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials." writes Peter. "We also rejoice in our sufferings." writes Paul. These New testament writers all came to believe that "all things work together for good." That does not mean only good things will happen to those that love God. In fact just the opposite. In the next paragraph Paul explains what "things" we might expect. Trouble, hardship, persecution, famine, nakedness, danger, sword, yet Paul insisted, "In all these things we are more than conquerors and that no amount of hardship could separate HIM nor us from the love of God.
A week or so ago I received what is called a prohetic word. It's called Good Plans and was given as follows. There is one line that stands out in this word. I think it may be the answer to questions of God being unfair, silent and hidden.
My children, I love it when you trust Me. It blesses Me when you embrace My plans and My instructions. I especially love it when you do this in times when I do not reveal all of the details to you. I may leave you with a lack of understanding many times to see if you will still trust Me. Because you know My character, you can trust me. You can always trust that I will never do or ask anything of you that will bring you harm. I love it when you just close your eyes, take my hand, and give Me an unreserved "Yes!" This so pleases me. You have nothing to fear, you can truly give Me all of you, for I am a good Father. As you proceed with Me in faith, you will truly see that all of My plans for you are indeed good.
I LOVE IT WHEN YOU JUST CLOSE YOUR EYES, TAKE MY HAND, AND GIVE ME AN UNANSWERED "YES!" I can see Job closing his eyes to the well-meaning friends around him, to the ashes he was sittiing in, to the sores that covered his body, and reaching out his hand toward the Father, simply speaking one word, "YES!"

Monday, August 6, 2007

Why Doesn't God Explain - Chapter 25

God... who lives in an eternal present.... does not "foresee" us doing things. He simply sees us doing them in that eternal present. Any time I try to judge God and what He did, does, or does not it will be tainted by the limitations of my life rules, my understanding, my view from below.
Maybe this will help? The word says, that Christ "was chosen before the creation of the world," which means before Adam and before the fall and thus before the need for redemption. It says that grace and eternal life were "given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time." How can anything occur before the beginning of time? For me, that means that there is another place. A place where time is not relevant and space is limitless. Before creation God made provision for what did not exist. When God, steps into the world He created, the limits of time and space which He created limit Him as well. Thus, Jesus had to live and die in this dimension, to bring redemption to this dimension, so that I could spend eternity in another dimension. You might need to read that again? God who encompasses all time is able to intersect with it past, present and future all at once. We or I, can only perceive the past and the future from where I am right now. Perhaps that's why so many times we are told in the word to consider the days of old, the past. It may be to get me to stop focusing so much on what I want God to do for me, because I am missing the significance of what He has already done?
The mystery of time? It appears to be the only answer to the question of God's unfairness. I can try all day to make sense of the circumstances that I see and make them seem logical but I am bound by the dimension of the world as I have experienced it, see it, and imagine it. That will never do when considering the God of a dimension which is higher than mine. He can see wider, deeper, longer, higher than I can even imagine with all my mind. I do not believe God has made or keeps me ignorant. All that He is was created in me. I do believe that Job saw God in a whole new light. New light!
It's like coming out of a dark room after hours of being there. I need time for my eyes to adjust to the light. I wear sun glasses when I'm out doors and the sun is shining because my eyes can not comprehend or handle the brightness of the light. That does not make me think that the sun is unfair.
As I close chapter 25, I am reminded of a story about a missionary who was going to the mission field. He was very excited and anxious to get there. He hired a guide and tribesmen to help get him and all his stuff there. And the sooner the better! They set off on what was to be a several day trip, but the very anxious missionary pushed the guide and the tribesmen very hard. They covered more ground than they had anticipated, yet the missionary wanted to keep going. The guide and the tribesmen needed rest and so reluctantly the missionary agreed to stop for the night. The next morning the missionary awoke very early and wanted to get a head start, but to his dismay the tribesmen would not move. Frustrated, the missionary went to the guide and asked him to find out why they would not move. The guide came back with this answer. "The men say, "they moved so fast yesterday that they now have to wait for their spirit to catch up."
Instead of asking the questions, maybe I need to let my spirit adjust to the new light. "Be still and know." My spirit catching up with my soul. That is another series in and of itself. I'll leave it for now by saying, "my soul has been taught, ministered to, trained, etc., etc., far more than my spirit." So....., I wear sun glasses so that I can function in the brightness of the SON!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Why Doesn't God Explain - Chapter 25

A man named St Augustine wrote many books and one of those books, Book 11 The Confessions, he devoted to a discussion of time. "What then is time?" he asks. "If no one asks me, I know; if I want to explain it to someone who does ask me, I don't know."
Someone once asked Augustine, "What was God doing before creation?" Augustine responded, "Since God created time along with creation, such a question was nonsense, and exposed the time-bound perspective of the one asking the question."
Before time there is only eternity. Eternity is a never-ending present. That's why for God one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years are like one day. "Where was God before heaven was created?" St Augustine answered. "He was in Himself." Martin Luther was asked the very same question and he was not so kind in his answer. "Where was God before heaven was created? Luther responds, "He was building hell for such idle, presumptuous, fluttering and inquisitive spirits as you."
We are taught that time is relative, that the perception of time depends on the position of the observer. Example: On February 23, 1987, an astronomer in Chile saw with his naked eye the explosion of a very distant supernova. It was so powerful that it released as much energy in one second as the sun will release in ten billion years. Question... did that really happen on February 23, 1987? Actually, the supernova exploded 170,000 years before 1987, but the light generated that far away traveled almost 6 trillion miles a year to reach the astronomers eyes. At least that's the perspective for anyone on planet earth.
The "higher" view defies our understanding of time. God who is larger than our entire universe, in fact is so large that He exists simultaneously on earth and in the space occupied by that supernova. Our time was February 23, 1987 but what time was it for God? From God's perspective as a resident here on earth, He would have "observed" history, which also included the discovery of the supernova. But from the perspective of the supernova, God "observed" the what earth would not see for another 170,000 years. God saw and sees the supernova as past, present and future all at one time.
If God desires to see what's going happening on the sun right now, he can "watch" from the perspective of the sun. If he desires to see what happened on the sun eight minutes ago, He simply watches from the earth. He will see what has traveled 93 million miles from the sun to the earth. So... God who is outside time and space, has a different perspective of what happens on earth than we can ever imagine.
Being a visual person this has shed some light for me. While recognizing that God is big and lives outside the bounds of time and space, and that He knows the beginning from the end, I never thought about Him "simultaneously" seeing quite this way.
In Job 42 Job says, "I'm convinced: You can do anything and everything. Nothing and no one can upset your plans. You asked, 'Who is this muddying the water, ignorantly confusing the issue, second-guessing my purposes?' I admit it. I was the one. I babbled on about things far beyond me, made small talk about wonders way over my head. You told me, 'Listen, and let me do the talking. Let me ask the questions. You give the answers. 'I admit I once lived by rumors of you; now I have it all firsthand—from my own eyes and ears! I'm sorry—forgive me. I'll never do that again, I promise! I'll never again live on crusts of hearsay, crumbs of rumor."
I can not help but question myself. Sorry, more questions. Is there no end?
How convinced am I? When I "BE STILL" I know.
No doubt that God, can do anything and everything? The question is not "can He," but, "why didn't He."
"Nothing" and "no one" can upset God's plans? I know of no one else who lives outside of the bounds of time and space so I embrace that and actually count on that.
Job's says, "I'm sorry." God, I am sorry! Job asks, "Forgive me." God please forgive me! Job says, "I'll never do that again, I promise!" ................................................................................ I am moved with emotion at the sadness I'm feeling because I can not make that promise. I can not say I will never do that again. Did Job mean that literally? Was Job able to keep His word? Was Job's revelation of God so much more than mine that He was able to make that promise?

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Why Doesn't God Explain - Chapter 25

Philip tells about what must be a very old film named Purple Rose of Cairo. Mia Farrow (I know, who's that) watches the hero of the movie play his assigned role and then incredibly, that hero steps out - literally - from the two dimensional movie screen and lands in a New Jersey theater. Suddenly he, this hero, is in the real world of the surprised character being played by Mia Farrow. This real world holds many surprises for the actor. Someone hits him with a fist, he dutifully falls down, as he has been taught to do on-screen, but rubs his chin with amazement - those blows aren't supposed to hurt! When he and Mia kiss, he pauses, waiting for the fadeout. And when someone tries to explain the concept of God - "He's the one in control of everything. He's what the whole world is about" - the actor nods, "Oh, you mean Mr. Mayer, the owner of the movie company." His perceptions are confined to the world of the movie. Then when the actor goes back into the movie world and tries to explain the real world the rest of the cast stare at him as if he belongs in a mental institution. I can relate to that! What the actor experienced cannot be put into words that those who have not experienced it can explain. I personally can try to imagine what jumping from an airplane (with a parachute of course) feels like, but the truth is I have not got a clue. It's experiential! No matter how hard people try to explain it to me all I can do is nod politely and presume or pretend to understand.
Job's questions, though being asked in his two-dimensional world were about the activity in the "higher" world, a world beyond his comprehension. Isaiah 55:9 says, "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts," This universe does not contain God. In order for God to create the universe He had to exist before it and outside of it. Yet.... He can and did step into the material world or what we call our real world for the purpose of giving us the ability to perceive Him. It's like me and this book. My perceptions are limited because I have not read the whole book. God knows the end from the beginning. I have no clue as to all that today will hold but God new it before this year even began let alone today.
SO... I GET THAT GOD IS BIG! But I take it that there is more since I haven't finished chapter 25 and the 5 remaining chapters.
A Matter of Time - There was a young lady named Bright, whose speed was much greater than light. So she set off one day, in a relative way, and returned on the previous night.
Philip writes that our/my perception of time serves to expose the vast difference between God's view from above and mine from within. Philip believes that many of the unanswered questions we have or the disappointments we have with God come from that misperception. Philip may be on to something here. God's view from above verses my view from within? GOD'S VIEW FROM ABOVE VERSES MY VIEW FROM WITHIN? God's tour of creation with Job verses Job sitting in ashes and covered with sores. Yep! There's a definite difference in those two perspectives. So... my perception of time is some part of my lack of ability to get any answers? Explain away Philip, I'm all ears!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Why Doesn't God Explain - Chapter 25

Assumption #2 - Perhaps God keeps us ignorant because we are incapable of comprehending the answer.
Interesting? God keeps me ignorant? No... Philip, I can't say that I agree with that. The word ignorant means lacking in knowledge or training. It's true enough that I am lacking in knowledge and training, but as for God keeping me in that state? I don't think so. He is constantly.... shall we say, spoon feeding me with knowledge and training. So for the moment let's just cut those words out of assumption number two. We can get rid of the word "because" as well. That leaves us with, "We are incapable of comprehending the answer."
Okay. If I am incapable of comprehending the answers then would it be safe to say that it is because God, in His creation of me, long before the foundation of the earth, handicapped me? Yet, on the other hand He has given me all things pertaining to life. So is it possible that I don't need the knowledge that I'm seeking? Adam and Eve were inticed to know what God knew and we all know how that worked out for them. Or should I say for all of us! Yet today I have such a craving to be in the know. Perhaps.... I come by it honestly. God is all knowing, right? Then if I am made in His image and likeness isn't it natural for me to want to know as well? Sorry, this gibberish may be more of a distraction than a help. Back to the questions at hand.
I am a tiny creature, on a tiny planet, in a remote galaxy. Is it possible for me to understand or fathom the grand design of the universe. Am I able to describe color to a blind person? Can I explain a Mozart symphony to a deaf person? Am I able to share the theory of relativity to a person like myself who doesn't even know about an atom?
Anthropologist report that they took a tribe of indigenous tribesmen in Papua New Guinea and showed them a photograph of the forest that they actually lived in. The tribesmen only saw marks and splotches of color on a sheet of flat paper. The anthropologist concluded that the tribesmen through experience, must learn to "see" that the two dimensional photograph actually contains three-dimensional images of birds, tree, waterfalls, etc. The tribesmen were unable to comprehend the photograph. The things they could not "see" in the photograph provided life for them on a day to day basis.
Imagine for a moment that you are trying to communicate with a creature on a microscope slide. The "universe" to the creature consists of only two-dimensions, the flat plane of the glass slide; it cannot perceive anything beyond the edges. You, looking "from above" not only understand the two-dimensional world of the creature but the three-dimensional world surrounding it. That being said, What exists outside of my perception of the world, or more relevantly, what exists outside of my perception of God?
See in every attempt to answer the questions of God's unfairness, silence, and hiddenness, there comes another question. I sense that, that very bit of information has value. I just don't know exactly what the value is yet.