Thursday, October 25, 2007

Outer Collapse - Inner Strength Part 2

I am an American. I grew up on McDonalds and the fast food concept. Seven Eleven being open twenty for hours a day seven days a week just to meet my unexpected needs. And oh the frustration, when I would not find what I needed there. Instant everything. Today with divorce at an all time high we even have instant families. The church has done a great job promoting this concept as well. I have seen church signs promoting the 45 minute Sunday morning worship service. Sometimes we present the Gospel and salvation message as though there is nothing else. Salvation is a journey not a destination. INSTANT GRATIFICATION! It's the western worlds way! Everything about us goes through the grid of the western world. That brings to mind another scripture that I was led to while preparing another teaching last week. Wow...... last weeks prep was about far more than the teaching we did on Saturday. It is reaching far deeper and further into my life this week than last week. Did I miss it? Did I teach the wrong thing? No..... I don't believe so. While I'd like to say "I'm not the only one" who is into INSTANT GRATIFICATION, I sense that I am to stay focused on me.
the point of time now present, succeeding without any interval of time; prompt; immediate:
pressing or urgent: occurring, done, or prepared with a minimal amount of time and effort; produced rapidly and with little preparation: instant answers; instant history.
to give pleasure to (a person or persons) by satisfying desires or inclinations or feelings: to satisfy; indulge
Well, that seems to be what I want. I don't say that proudly, only truthfully. And might I add, sooner than later would be better. But....... I must say that I don't think minimal amount of time is correct as I turn 56 next week. I have been at this a long time. I also must disagree that I am, or ever have looked for a minimal amount of effort to be put forth. We have given what we thought was our all. Pay or no pay made no difference. Hours required,... not even a thought. Out of pocket cost? Worth every penny. I don't want to give credit to a lie of the enemy when it's not due him. Maybe INSTANT is the wrong word. Perhaps REASONABLE would fit better.
not exceeding the limit prescribed by reason; not excessive: reasonable terms. moderate, capable of rational behavior
YES! That's much better. REASONABLE GRATIFICATION! Not exceeding the limit prescribed by reason.
Instant History..... Trails and tribulations come (It's scriptural) and are history in a time frame not exceeding the limit prescribed by reason.

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