Friday, October 5, 2007

Not A Word!

It's been two hours and silence seems to be the mode today. This week has been somewhat of a challenge and for what reason, I do not know. I spent much of the time in Proverbs looking and waiting for some clear word for myself. What I got was nothing specific. Everything I read I could apply and make it something but something is not what I was hoping for. Oh well the day is not over. I'll just keep listening and being still AND KNOW that He is God!
I'm not alone in this as one of the pastors just came in and said that the first part of this week was a funk for him and he also didn't know why. I have no idea why I share that like it makes everything all better. It didn't, it doesn't and it won't.
Take the few extra minutes you are gaining form this being so short and think of something fun!

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