Monday, October 15, 2007

The Elijah Proclamation! - Part 6

Since Friday's blog I have spoken to several others who are desiring to hear the same voice with the same clarity as I. We talk about Elijah and all come to the conclusion that we want the word of the Lord to come just like it did for Elijah. Audible, precise and often. Notice I did not say easy. I'm okay with hard so long as it meets the first three............ desires?
I Kings 17:7 Some time later the brook dried up because there had been no rain in the land.
8 Then the word of the LORD came to him:
Elijah did his part, God did His part and then comes to Elijah with another word. Again there is absolute clarity! Specific directions with no wiggle room.
Go - that means Elijah is to leave the place where he is at. The brook is dried up so GO.
at once - Not tomorrow or next week, not even later today, but AT ONCE! NOW!
to - Zarephath of Sidon. That's a specific place. TO here and nowhere else.
and stay - When you get there stay put. Don't go anywhere else stay!
there - Where? There in Zarephath of Sidon!
9 "Go at once to Zarephath of Sidon and stay there.
I am unable to find any indication as to how long Elijah was at the brook before receiving his next word but it had to be a lengthy time as it was based on no rain causing the brook to dry up. And I admit or should I say, recognize that the word of the Lord was silent during that time. On a day to day basis Elijah was left to himself. He was doing what God told him to do, "stay until" and God was doing what He said He would do, "provide". The WORD of the Lord continues to speak! I have commanded a widow in that place to supply you with food."
Maybe this is where the saying, "the way to a mans heart is through his stomach" comes from?It seems that the the Lord is concerned with providing food for Elijah. First the ravens bring him bread and meat twice a day and now a widow to provide Elijah with food. Anyway, once again Elijah is given clear direction and told how he will be provided for. Verse 10 says, "So he went to Zarephath." And I say, how hard could it have been with all that specific information. Where are you going? Zarephath! When will you go? At once! What will be provided? Food! Who will provide? A widow! The only unanswered questions seem to be why and for how long. But really.......... who cares if you're in the right place at the right time with all your needs being met because you heard the word of the Lord that clear.
And now Elijah has a track record with God. Elijah went to the King, went to the brook and stayed. The ravens came and sure enough the brook dried. Everything the word of the Lord said has taken place just as it was spoken and so the second word of the Lord becomes easier to follow...........right?

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