Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Elijah Proclamation! - Part 4

Detailed instructions, absolute steps to take! And on top of that Elijah is told what to expect. There is no unknown except, how long will he be at the Brook. Elijah is there to hide and God says, everything you need will come, this is how it will come and this is when it will come. That's all I'm seeking!
And it will be that you shall drink from the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there.” 5 So he went and did according to the word of the LORD, for he went and stayed by the Brook Cherith, which flows into the Jordan. 6 The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning, and bread and meat in the evening; and he drank from the brook.
God.... I'm not feeling that sure at this moment. You are providing but I wouldn't say confidently that it is all I need. We are willing to leave everything to follow the passion that has pierced our hearts. Sell the house, sell the possessions, sell it all is our position. Yet nothing! And if my eyes are blind then open them. I do not mean to be ungrateful for all that You are doing. But.... the bills we do owe remain 60 to 90 days behind and our word means nothing to those creditors.
Yes, for the past year I have eaten, had shelter and clothes. But the gift that you gave me in Ann Marie needs dental work and some medical attention that won't be covered by insurance. GOD... she is wearing someone else's contact lenses! I laugh every time I put on my scratched and broken glasses. I am frustrated with myself and my inability to not want more than what You are providing. I keep looking at these men of God. If You are no respecter of persons then why can't I get clear, detailed instruction and information like Elijah? Not the riches or the things, just the information! Just one absolute word that we are in the right place. That we didn't go north when you said south. Anything that is clear and precise about keeping on. I don't know if Elijah ever questioned you or the word that took him to the Brook. I have no idea what he thought or did all day long for three years of hiding. But I guess if it was important it would have been written in your word. So I am left today with the memory of my own words from sharing a couple weeks ago. When you don't know... you must cling to what you do know. I know that you are God and I am not. I know that it's not about me and it's not about now. But it sure feels like it is.

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