Monday, October 22, 2007

The Elijah Proclamation! - Part 12

I Kings17:19 And he said to her, “Give me your son.” So he took him out of her arms and carried him to the upper room where he was staying, and laid him on his own bed.
Can you imagine someone giving their child to the man that they thought killed their son? The widow appears to be where I find myself many times. The battlefield if the mind. She is commanded by God so she believes. She gives water and what she thinks will be the last of her flour and oil. She sees it multiplied and eats from the abundance of the word Elijah spoke. Her son dies and she doubts the man of God? Yet.... yet she hands her dead sons body over to him. Is he a man of God or not? Did he come to take her son or not? Did God take her sons life or not? WIDOW...... ED WHERE IS YOUR FAITH?
This weekend I was reminded that it was two years ago when I felt God speak to me with absolute clarity about where I was at in the relationship between Him and myself. It's quite the story how He spoke but really unimportant when compared to what He spoke so I'll spare you the story of how and just tell you what. The words still speak with a sharp edge on them. They still are cutting. Oh, this may be what Ann MArie calls a bunny trail and it may lead us away from Elijah?
What I thought I first heard God say was "My outer collapse takes place because my inner strength cannot sustain it." Then I heard it again and it became personal. "Ed your outer collapse takes place because your inner strength cannot sustain it."

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