Wednesday, October 3, 2007

How Much Is Enough?

How much is enough? How much is to much? When does something become obsessive? When does someone become a radical?
And if I ask those questions, don't I need something to measure against. Let me start off simple. When I drive how fast is fast enough. If I use people or other drivers as my measuring stick here's what I get. Fast enough is the speed limit. Fast enough is getting somewhere on time. Fast enough is not holding up traffic. Fast enough is keeping up with traffic. Fast enough is......?
Let's try another one. How much money is enough? Enough to pay all my bills? Enough to have a chunk in the bank? Enough to give as I find needs? Enough to be comfortable? Enough money is.....?
Okay one more. How much faith is enough? I've been told that enough faith is believing it from the moment you pray it until it comes to pass. So if it doesn't come to pass did I not have enough faith. The word talks about the faith of a mustard seed but also refers to others that had great faith. Is there a measurement that I can see between a mustard seed of faith and great faith?
My real question is how much of God is enough? One answer seems to be that you can never get or have enough of God. I see countless numbers who seem to answer that by filling their lives and schedules with ministry. Wives are left behind to raise up children who are orphaned by men who say they are called by God to ministry. We talk about the world and how many children are born into single parent homes and the effect that it has and is having on our world today. But what about the men and women of God who abandon spouses and children for ministry. Isn't a single parent the same regardless of the reason for it? The divorce rate among Christians and non-Christians is the same?
On the flip side there are some people who seem to want just enough of God to secure a place in heaven. They spend all their time doing things other than ministry. They boat, fish, play soccer, football, basketball, or become professional spectators of those things and many more. I wish I had a dollar for every time I heard some say that they would help in the prayer center but their kids have this sport or the other. There are others that say they would serve but there is not one night open this month because it's been crazy with a new job or a busy time on their job, etc. etc..
So.... do I have enough? I know I don't have it all! I know there's a lot more! But do I have enough?

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