Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The Elijah Proclamation! - Part 2

Was it really possible that Elijah went before King Ahab, made his proclamation and had no thought as to what would come next? I suppose it is presumptuous of me to think that Elijah did anything but that. I would love to pick the brain of Elijah. What was he thinking? Elijah seems fearless in the face of possible death. Understand that I am placing the possibility of death out there. Scripture does not say that he faced that possibility. I am adding two plus two to get four. Ahab worships the god Baal who rules over dew and rain. Elijah says your wrong Ahab! It is the Lord my God who not only rules over dew and rain but everything in existence. Ahab is a king and they tend to get a little perturbed when challenged so I introduce the possibility of Elijah being put to death.
"As the Lord God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew or rain these years, except at my word." I guess there would be some pause for the king in killing Elijah. "Except by my word." If by some chance there is any validity to this mans words and we kill him..... well that could be a serious problem.
But God steps in and really makes it a non issue. In verse two the word of the Lord came to him, saying, "Get away from here and turn eastward and hide by the Brook Cherith, which flows into the Jordan. "And the word of the Lord came to him." There are no details of anything else being spoken by Elijah or Ahab so we must accept that the word of the Lord came swiftly. I'd really love to know how the word of the Lord came to Elijah. No such chance from what we read. So Elijah hears from God to go to the king and challenge him with contrary words to the kings beliefs. Elijah then hears God tell him to get away from here, and to turn eastward. Elijah is getting very specific instructions. Isn't that what all Christians want, and are seeking? It's what I want and what I think I have been seeking. For me it sometimes feels like I here God say something as clear as get away from here and that's it. Elijah gets details. Turn eastward! It removes any question or wondering. Don't go north. Don't go south. Don't go west. Go EASTWARD! Clear and precise. And the details keep coming.
I know there is no record of any surprise by the Lords words to Elijah, but I can't help but wonder if this is what Elijah expected. For Elijah it does not appear to matter. Maybe if I had specifics from God like Elijah did many things wouldn't matter to me either. The specifics don't end there. Get away, turn eastward and hide by the Brook Cherith, which flows into the Jordan. I guess eastward was to vague so God details what eastward looks like. By the Brook Cherith. Maybe Elijah was unfamiliar with the land? Maybe he was bad with directions? I don't know what but God is giving him specifics like I crave. The Brook Cherith, which flows into the Jordan. Was there more than one Brook Cherith? Not that I can find anywhere. Yet the word of the Lord is that specific. If Elijah ends up in the wrong place you'd have to question his mental status. It is my opinion that if God would give me details like this I would be exactly where he wants me to be also. Oh ya..... what about that word hide?

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