Wednesday, May 9, 2007

"Recovering" Troubled Believer Part 10

Psalm 77:12 I will also meditate on ALL Your work, AND talk of Your deeds.
I'm not going to just think about it! I'm going to BE grateful! Regardless of what my mind, my will, and my emotions are right now I'm going to talk about Your deeds verses mine. If there is any other way let this cup pass from Me BUT regardless Your will be done. PERIOD Not SELAH. Not pause and think on that but LET IT BE SO.
Your way, O God, is in the sanctuary;
God's way is in the sanctuary.
Sanctuary - A sacred or holy place. The holy of holies of these places of worship.
Immunity afforded by refuge in such a place. any place of refuge; asylum.
If we want God then we must go to where He is. Yes... He's everywhere but that thought comes from our casual way concerning God. Example: there are gas stations on every corner. There are fast food places on every corner. There are churches on every corner. So I casually watch the gage on our gas tank. When the light goes on..... when the light goes on, I begin to notice where I'm at, what stations are nearby and how much further can I go before I have to stop. I have lived days knowing that God is always there and went on about my business and then when the warning light goes on... when the trouble is upon me, I begin to take notice. Jesus woke up long before the sun rose. He then went to a far away place. These actions were done with purpose, commitment and cost. Why? So that He could have purposed, private, prolonged time with His Father. INTIMACY!

God's way is in the sanctuary.

He told us to pray like this. Our Father which is in heaven. hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

How will His kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven if we don't go to the heavenlies? Not LITERALLY but SPIRITUALLY! How do I know what the grand Canyon looks like if I've never been there. Yes, I can see a picture but I can only imagine what it looks like from the picture. But...... if I go there I see the real thing in all its fullness. A picture is just a glimpse and my life for the most part has been to settle for just a glimpse of His kingdom and my Father.

God's way is in the sanctuary. God's way is in the holy place. Ed's way to God is in the holy place. Ed is afforded immunity, refuge, sanctuary in the holy place of God. So why don't I seek that place more often? Why don't I dwell there a little longer? SELAH! (pause and think on that.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.