Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Troubled Believer Part 6

Psalm 77:7, 8, 9 Will the Lord cast off forever? And will He be favorable no more? Has His mercy ceased forever? Has His promise failed forevermore? Has God forgotten to be gracious? Has His anger shut up His tender mercies?
The song in the night that the Psalmist remembers causes him to meditate in his heart and stirs his spirit to diligently search but it obviously does not change the situation on the spot. It does not remove the trouble or even bring the anguish to an end at that exact moment. In other wards he didn't take a pill and all is well. He didn't just quote a verse and make all the trouble go away. Many think that's the life I live and they are oh so wrong. I quote the verse to start the process. I find myself living from my soul, the mind, the will, the emotions and I speak the word to redirect my focus to my heart and to my spirit. I can't live this God life in and of myself so I bring the word to the trouble I bring life (the word) into it. This Psalmist is not experiencing life. He's on a downward spiral. For the past three months during the final days of the month I lived in that place. This month I refused to allow my soul to go there. I chose to remember the song in the night before the night came. I chose to remember God's mercy and His promise and His favor and that He desires me before the trouble came that said otherwise. God is not angry with me and God would never cast me off or throw me away. God's nature is to be gracious. God can not be or do anything other than be gracious.
Still crying out with his voice, "WILL THE LORD CAST OFF FOREVER? Cast off means throw off or away. He's asking God if He's thrown him away forever. God when will you do something? When will my anguish be over? The cry of this Psalmist is so deep that He is in fear that it's going to last forever. I know from experience that this man must be hurting deeply to think God is throwing him away.
AND WILL HE BE FAVORABLE NO MORE? God I recognize what You have done for me in the days of old and the ancient years but what about today? What about now?
HAS HIS MERCY CEASED FOREVER? God it may be that You're throwing me away. It may be that You're favor on my life is being removed. But what about Your mercy? In the past you have taken me in and given me favor and when that wasn't enough you gave me mercy. Is that gone as well?
HAS GOD FORGOTTEN TO BE GRACIOUS? GOD!!!! PLEASE.... DO SOMETHING! It's somewhere in this area that I begin to ask "How could God be a loving caring God and allow me to suffer like this?" ?How could God allow 33 people to die on a college campus?" What did they do or more importantly what have I done to deserve this torture?
Here's the thing about all this thus far. In verses 1-9 there are 20 references to I, me, etc. and 12 to God. It is all about the Psalmist and it's all about now for the Psalmist. Without knowing more about the lifestyle of this man and what his everyday relationship with God is we can't really make any comments about where the trouble comes from. So I can only reference my life and my troubles. I have moved past (much of the time) trying to determine what is good and what is bad in my life. That helps me not have to ask some of the questions which are trouble in and of themselves. I am learning to live in the idea that everything is God's grace. Everyday is a day of grace. There are no good days and there are no bad days just days of grace. Now here's a key to being able to live there. Sometimes the grace allows me to enjoy and sometimes the grace allows me to endure. SELAH (pause and think on that.)

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