Thursday, May 10, 2007

Recovering Troubled Believer Part 11

Last night while listening to some teaching on salvation I heard a great illustration used many times with the salvation message but found it to apply to the troubled believer study that I'm doing. It's simply the potter and the clay.
The potter is supposed to be God. The clay is supposed to be me. The wheel is supposed to be life. A thought comes right now that the potter owns all the equipment. In this case the wheel or life. All the trouble? God owns all the trouble! That's a days discussion right there.
So let me get this picture in my mind. I am a chunk or block of clay. I am placed into life or on the wheel for illustration purposes and the potter is sitting and looking over me. Picturing this is very important. As I am placed into Life/on the wheel the potter simultaneously begins to make the wheel spin or so to speak life begins. Ok God make me a beautiful piece of art. Hurry up, I can't wait to see what you'll do with me. Please God.... hurry. God? Come on God I want to do something big for you. Something that will cause people to look upon you. Something I'll be remembered for after I'm dead and gone. Then in the absence of what seems to be God's action I decide to take the place of the potter. I now think I'm in control of that which does not belong to me. At this point I try to mold God into what I think to be something beautiful. SELAH!!!!! I am at this moment in the prayer room listening to IHOP Kansas City live via web streaming and they are singing these words over and over. "I am the clay and you are the potter."
I had grand illusions of going through the entire process of the potter, the wheel, the clay, the water and the fire but I think I'll pass. There is way to much in my mind today to put it all down in this blog or for that fact a month of blogs. I went to bed last night at 10:30. I went to sleep at 2:30 AM and got up at 5:45 AM. That should tell you something. No not troubled! But..... certainly stirred up in my spirit. I must go back to the potter sitting at the wheel/Life and looking at the block of clay sitting before Him. I see the potter starring intently at that block of clay. I don't get a sense that He is in any hurry, nor do I sense that He doesn't know what He wants to do. I the block of clay am the only thing in His sight. The rest of creation has been put on hold just for me. There's a sign on the door to the studio that says "Do Not Enter." It's as though he's waiting for an invitation from the clay before He touches it. Yet He is the potter and He can begin when he so desires. I'm not expressing this very well yet in my mind it's as clear as it gets. It must be one of those things that you have to have been there to comprehend or get the value of it. If anyone is interested in more then study the potter idea on your own. There are many website but this one has lots of info.
I will simply say that the troubled believer in verses 1 thru 10 is trying to be the potter and is resisting the hand of the potter on his life. He is in a place that he has no business being. In verses 11 thru 20 he returns to being the clay and submits to the hands of the Father's molding.
Psalm 77:13 "Who is so great a God as our God? You are the God who does wonders;
God of wonders, master, potter, You know better than I do. As I have remembered the days of old and meditated on all Your work I cannot come up with one time where I was disappointed. I can't think of one time when You were not enough.
There is an old old song... Have Thine own way Lord. Have Thine own way. All on the altar, I gladly lay. Thou art the Potter, I am the clay. Have Thine own way, have Thine own way.

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