Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Yet To Be Titled

If He is so concerned about our doing His will, why doesn't he reveal that will more plainly?
Question #2 - Is God Silent?
Various people claim to hear God. Some are crazy, some are just misguided and there are some who are authentic who carry out the tradition of apostles and prophets. In the old testament it was easy to get God's take on things. The Israelites in the wilderness asked, "Should we pack up our tent and move today or stay put? All the Israelite had to do was look at the cloud. Yes the cloud. That's as clear as it gets..... I think? If the cloud moved, move. If it stayed, stay. You could check God's will day or night as the cloud turned into a pillar of fire at night. Then for all the things that the cloud did not cover there were 613 laws that covered everything from behavior to murder. You would have to have been insane to complain about unclear guidance in those days. But as I asked yesterday, did a clear word from God increase the likelihood of obedience? Apparently not.
God told them "Do not go up and fight the Amorites, because I will not be with you." The Israelites promptly went up and fought the Amorites a......n.......d........... LOST. Philip studied to find answers and came to the conclusion that clear guidance became as much of a issue to that generation as unclear guidance is to us. Those people made it a national pastime to invent ways to break the 613 commands. He also came to the conclusion that the very clear guidance that God gave to the Israelites actually stunted their faith. Why pursue God when He had already revealed Himself so clearly? Why step out in faith when He had already guaranteed the results? Why wrestle with the dilemma of conflicting choices when God had already resolved all the dilemmas. Philip summarizes his thoughts about the Israelites this way. Why should the Israelites act like adults when they could act like children? And act like children they did, grumbling and complaining against the leaders, cheating on the CLEAR rules governing manna, whining about every food and water shortage.
After forty years of crystal clear guidance the Israelites failed in being obedient so miserably that God started over with a new generation. My immediate thought is I'm not as foolish as the Israelites. I've learned from their mistakes. I'm a part of that new generation. So bring back the cloud by day and the fire by night. Ok, that would not answer every question. And as I pause...... I must admit that I don't want the 613 laws back. But... maybe the cloud by day and fire by night would be enough? If that truly is what I believe then isn't my dilemma the same as Richards? Am I not saying I'm really needing proof that God actually exists?
Is God silent? I know Philp says that there are the three questions 1 Is God unfair? 2 Is God silent? 3 Is God hidden? but I'm not sure at this point if they are the real questions? God was not unfair, nor silent in the wilderness and the people still couldn't or I should say wouldn't follow Him. Would we do better today? And if we think we would I'd love to hear some reasons as to why we think we would and if someone has some proof that we would I'd be thrilled to see it.

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