Monday, July 30, 2007

Why Doesn't God Explain - Chapter 25

"God doesn't reveal His grand design. He reveals Himself!" I like it. It sounds good to my ears. But... in the process of God revealing Himself doesn't His grand design just come as part of it? If He reveals His goodness then isn't the design for Him to give or show goodness? If He reveals love then wouldn't He do acts that demonstrate His love? Grand Design..... Himself?
For 35 chapters "Job whines, "Why are you treating me so unfairly, God?" "Put yourself in my place." God thunders in reply, "NO!!!" "You put yourself in MY place! When you can make the sun rise, when you can cause lightening to scatter across the earth, when you can create a hippopotamus, then we can consider trading places. But, until then, don't judge how I run the world." Job repents while he sits in dust and ashes and every trace of disappointment with God disappears.
That's great for Job.... he heard a voice from a cloud, okay a storm. I may never hear a voice from a whirlwind and many others may not as well so we or I am left trying to figure out what God is doing so that I can get past these nagging questions. They appear every constantly in situations that make no sense. They show up uninvited and often with no advance warning. God refuses to answer Job's questions and His explanation as to why is simply that, it's beyond Job's grasp. Great... the most righteous man on the earth can not grasp God. So that leaves me with the idea that God's stand is, "Why bother to explain? Not Job nor any other human being can understand."
Philip shares about a book called Encyclopedia Of Ignorance. It's filled with areas of science that we cannot explain; but scientist all over the world are doing their best to discover the gaps in knowledge in those areas. He suggests that a book titled the Encyclopedia Of Theological Ignorance may exist as well. That being said means that there are people all over the world doing their best to discover the gaps in knowledge about God as well.
We'll do are part in that and continue to push forward through this book, still with no answers. We'll that's not entirely true. The one answer we can conclusively come to so far is that like Job, we get no answers. No disrespect to Philip, Job, or God but... thanks for nothing.

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