Friday, December 7, 2007


As my grandson would say, "No more wake ups." That means Ann Marie is coming home today! While I always accomplish much when she is away I never realize the full benefits of it because it is mixed with missing her. This time in my attempt to simplify I spent the week sorting and filing 5 years worth of records and receipts. I had gotten so busy doing ministry that I ignored our personal responsibilities. God things always come before everything don't they? Well about 50 hours in total and I am 75% there. Five years makes some big stacks when you keep the receipts for everything. Okay so they were boxes and not just stacks.
It does feel good and there have been some revelations as well. I have committed to NOT do what we have been doing for those years. It's not that I regret any of it but when you are living life in a state of delusion you do corresponding things. This was a difficult task because I said I was not going to do my normal reflection exercises this year, yet, here I was sorting my life pile by pile.
Organizing will bring simplicity for 2008. When I need information I will know right where to get it. There is a freedom that comes from not having to look at these stacks every time I add to them because I'm just to busy to file them right then. As the mail has arrived this week I have already experienced the sense of accomplishment that comes from having a place to file it and I don't mean in another box and another stack. It is a beautiful thing to look into my little black box and see file folders with the names of each utility company, insurance company etc..
This may not sound very spiritual but it is very much so for me. God was very organized and Jesus taught about organization. I could not keep on doing the God thing here and ignoring the God thing there. One part of God's word can not contradict another part of His word. One part of my life can not contradict another part of my life.
In closing God has a book with our names written in it. A book is for information. It is a written record. If God can keep all of mankind organized in one book then I should be able to keep this short life of mine in an organized manner as well.

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